Are you short on time and long on things to do? Do you run out of energy long before you run out of things on your “to do” list? Then it is time to take a look at your surroundings and make sure it is providing you the energy you need to have a great day, not just a barely make-it day.
Nine Energizing Tips
Each of the following energizing tips can be done in one hour. They will help you re-energize you and your surroundings while bringing a smile to your face.
Instead of power walking, try power de-cluttering in your bedroom. Pickup, cleanup, hang-up and put everything away that belongs in drawers, closets and on shelves. Make your bed every day to help you stay organized and ready to face a busy day; and store nothing under your bed to provide you a great night’s sleep. If there is time left, eliminate at least three things from your closet that you haven’t worn for at least 24 months.
Remove any wilted or dead plants from your front entrance area and replace them with colorful thriving plants to encourage prosperity energy to enter your home and life. Gardening and fresh plantings are a joy to the eye and therapeutic for the soul.
Take a look at your space from the inside out to see if energy is flowing smoothly throughout your space. Prosperity and abundance energy travel in the same path as the line of sight. If necessary, de-clutter areas of your space that are currently blocked by “stuff,” whether it is stacks of boxes or magazines or just old mail. If necessary, move furniture into different areas in your space to allow for the better flow of energy.
Power-clean your kitchen countertops by de-cluttering first and then move on to your refrigerator and pantry. Maintain only freshly dated foods and rotate the oldest to the front every time you shop for groceries. Your efficiency will increase tenfold.
Hang an attractive “welcome home” wreath on the door you usually use to leave and re-enter your home. If you don’t have one either create one from left over silk flowers and greens or the next time you are out shopping find one that will make you smile every time you walk through the door.
Create a picture collage for your relationships corner in the southwest area of your family/living room. Be sure to include those you have great relationships with and those you would like to have better relationships with so both are energized. It will provide you fond memories of the past and hopeful energy for the future.
If you have children in your family create an “All About Me” vision board. This will be fun for you and them. Use pictures of them doing fun things and enjoying happy events. Include their hopes and dreams for the future. If they wish to be a fire fighter or a doctor, add pictures from magazines of what they want to do in the future. This will bring smiles to everyone’s faces involved during the creation time and in the future.
Go through all old books; fiction, non-fiction, cookbooks and how-to books. Donate those you no longer use, read or want for the information they provide. Your local library, senior center, or Salvation Army would love to receive them for recycling to others. You win by creating extra space and they win by receiving something they would like or need.
Create a mini-sanctuary in the corner of your bedroom, living room or even the porch or lanai if that is all that is available. Make it a quiet place with a comfortable chair, a small table for a glass of tea or lemonade, an inspirational book or journal and a candle. Spend an hour there once a week and rejuvenate your heart and soul. It’s OK to just sit there and do nothing and totally quiet your mind, write in your journal or listen to quiet Feng Shui music. At the end of one hour you will feel regenerated, calm and relaxed.
Each one of the above tips will help you be more energized and lead you to a more joy-filled peaceful you. If you maintain the areas you’ve de-cluttered and organized, your surroundings will support you daily in maintaining your newly created prosperity and abundance energy. These tips should also get your creative juices moving and provide you many other ideas on how to energize your surroundings so your surroundings can nurture you.
Download “Energize Your Space in One Hour” in PDF Format.
© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.