Transformation | Alignment | Connection
Having left an anxiety-producing, stress-filled job, Pat Heydlauff found herself physically and emotionally depleted. While seeking more balance in her life, Pat studied the philosophies and principles of hope, balance, success and sustainability held by ancient Chinese and far eastern civilizations. It was these basic principles and the natural flow of energy that inspired her to study more and look deeper into why those who used the principles were so successful — without paying the price of stress, anxiety, and burnout.
Out of these experiences Heydlauff Enterprises was born. Through personal and small business consulting, workshops, and trainings, Pat enables clients and organizations to envision the future they want. She starts with the what, why and where they are today, empowering them with the how and a touch of Feng Shui to achieve their end goals.

Pat is an expert at designing home & workplace environments that:
Reduce Stress
Improve Work/Life Balance
Increase Prosperity
Cultivate Deeper Connections
Develop Flow of Focus
Promote Hope, Peace and Joy
Some know her as "The Renaissance Woman," others as a “Flow of Focus” strategist. Pat draws on her 25+ years of hands-on CEO, client, and personal experience plus expert knowledge in Feng Shui principles to provide a roadmap crucial for navigating through today’s chaos, technological interruptions, and financial dictates.
Create Work-Life Balance & Fuel Prosperity with a Feng Shui Twist!

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