Are you thinking of selling your home? Have you been trying to sell your home and meeting with little success? Are you questioning whether you should put your house on the market because everyone says sales are soft so this isn’t the time to sell? Are you afraid you will have to dramatically reduce the price of your property just to get a showing?
These are just a few of the questions facing you now if you want or need to sell your home. Not only are you faced with whether you should sell it now but you are also faced with the competition. What you need to be aware of is that your house competes with every other house in your marketplace in your price range; that includes the neighbor across the street, the one three blocks away, the ones in the next development plus all the model homes in the newest developments. Because of the real estate MLS online listings, every property within a seven to ten miles radius of your home becomes your competition. In this marketplace where value for the price is king, you need to take every step possible to give your property a selling advantage.
Prepare your house
The following steps will give you a market advantage, make your property memorable in the eyes of the potential buyer and help you obtain higher purchase offers.
Energize your outside curb appeal by planting colorful flowers leading up to your front door, repeat the flower color with a wreath on the door, sweep your walkway or porch and prune all plantings, shrubs and bushes – make sure nothing stands in the way of a potential buyer entering your home
Once the buyers enter your home they want to see an absolutely clean house – vacuum and/or shampoo carpets, scrub floors, remove cobwebs, clean all of your windows and touch up paint or re-paint where necessary – clean houses are filled with positive energy that attracts buyers
Make sure all rooms that are in view when the front door is opened are totally clutter free – remove stacks of “stuff,” magazines and boxes; pack out of sight collectibles and valuables, and get rid of anything you do not want to move before you show your house to a potential buyer
Remove extra or badly worn pieces of furniture that make a room look small or the house look poorly cared for – less is better – remember the buyer is looking at your home, not your furnishings
Take extra care to clean and unclutter bathrooms and kitchens – make sure counter tops are limited to only a few necessary things then place an appropriately fragranced candle on each counter in a safe container – be sure to light it during an open house – pleasant fragrances are good energizers
In the kitchen make sure all drawers and doors have been wiped clean on the inside and outside plus organized; fix hinges and hardware, dripping faucets and squeaky drawers – a healthy clean kitchen will help sell the house
Energize the sale of your house
The first six steps are all about preparing your house so that you can be on equal footing with all of the competition facing you in the current marketplace. The last four deal with the use of Feng Shui principles that give you a competitive edge by focusing energy on your objective, selling your house quickly at a fair market price.
7. Place a small but obvious sign in the flower beds leading up to your front door or in the wreath on your door that says “welcome home” – the buyer will notice the welcoming energy
8. If you can see straight through your house from the inside of your front door right out a back window or door, place either a circular welcoming rug by the door or a piece of furniture part way between the front door and the window to provide a visual stopping or resting place – this prevents energy, money and the buyer from rushing right through our home
9. Put a bouquet of either fresh or silk flowers in the southwest corner of your living or family room to energize a good relationship with your potential buyer
10. On the kitchen table or counter place a bowl of fresh fruit or freshly baked cookies – both the wonderful aroma and the thoughtfulness provide great energy for the buyer
Leveling the playing field so that your house equally competes in the market is one thing but energizing your house to attract a buyer gives you a competitive advantage that will pay off with more offers, better offers and a quicker sale. If you are also looking to buy a new home once your’s has sold, make sure the property you are considering has the same good energy as the one you are leaving behind.
Download “10 Energy Solutions for selling Your Home” in PDF Format.
© Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved 2007
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.