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Creating positive energy in your surroundings


Was there ever a time when you felt totally empowered to take on your day? Was there ever a time when you were so relaxed you could float off into space and just enjoy the moment? If the answer is yes to either of these questions, you’ve experienced positive energy. Creating positive energy in your surroundings to bring about desired results is what Feng Shui is all about. Energy always surrounds you and it affects you either positively or negatively.

Ideally, the more positive energy you can surround yourself with, the more productive and in control of yourself you will become. Positive energy is the conduit for increasing that productivity and controlling the world around you. Even though there are a vast number of techniques that can be used to do just this in your home, I’m going to focus on three of the more important ones here.

First, once you’ve made sure positive energy is reaching your front door and entering your home (see last week’s “Feng Shui and your world” Hometown News article), you need to make sure it is meandering throughout your entire home instead of rushing right through. In order to ensure the flow of energy throughout, arrange the furniture in each room so that the energy can enter and move slowly around things but not be blocked from passing into every room in your house. Energy entering your home should not have a clear straight path to windows, down corridors or into bathrooms. It must first be slowed down by your furnishings and home décor so it will linger although not stop permanently and become stagnant. Otherwise it will come rushing in the front door and will shoot right back out the back windows or slider before you can realize its abundance and benefits.

Next, provide a reason for the energy to enter the bedroom where you sleep. If the bedroom is down a hall or up the stairs, use a series pictures on the wall opposite the front of your home, floor runners or lighting to show the way and encourage the energy in that direction. If using pictures, use a combination of large and small to create a wavy effect to slow the energy down. If using a runner, make sure it has a slight wavy pattern in it for the same reason. Narrow, long or dark hallways should always be well lighted for both safety and the movement of energy. You need positive energy in your bedroom so you can rest well and be refreshed in the morning. Be sure to remove anything from under your bed so that the positive energy can also encircle your body while resting instead of becoming stagnant and turning into undesirable negative energy underneath you while you sleep. You need the regenerative energy of a good night’s sleep in order to be more mentally productive and in better control of yourself.

Third, be very diligent about making sure that fresh positive energy enters your kitchen 24 hours per day, seven days per week. It is the only room and energy responsible for nourishment and physically energizing the body. The kitchen counters must be clear of clutter so the nourishment energy can find a spot to rest and linger long enough to regenerate anyone who passes through and any food prepared or served there. Whether you love to cook and eat in or prefer dining out, the kitchen needs the appearance of wholesome food preparation and nourishing fragrances. Place three jars or sealed glass containers of colorful pasta or veggies floating in olive oil on the counter or island. Place a basket of fresh fruit on your kitchen table for abundance and eating. The kitchen is also the area to place a wonderfully spiced candle and burn it regularly to create the enticing aroma of a freshly baked pie or homemade cookies. These additions to the kitchen not only enhance the nourishment energy in the kitchen but bring back wonderful childhood memories providing a brief moment of reflection, another nourishing energy.

Productivity and being energized to face the day begins at home. The more positive energy you can bring into your home and the longer you can get it to stay inside before passing on through the more positive energy you have for regeneration, nourishment and rest. Surrounding yourself with positive energy is your key to being more productive and in control of your world.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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