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Do you recall the reason for the season

Do you still have a lot of holiday preparations left to do or are you already celebrating? Perhaps you have completed your Hanukah celebrations and await the new year with much anticipation? For those of us who still have our celebrations ahead, have you started your shopping, baking and wrapping or are you still waiting for great solutions to magically solve your Christmas shopping needs?

Whether you are just starting or have already finished your preparations now is the time to step back for a few minutes and reflect on the reason for celebrating the season that seems to put us into such a whirlwind of activity. It is so easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of the season that one might accidentally overlook “the why” of the season. The why of the season can be many things to many people depending on their background, ethnicity and religious beliefs. But, the one common thread that all of us share is the simple truth that we love each other and often show it by gathering together to share a meal or even exchange gifts no matter what our religious or ethnic backgrounds are. Gifts are a sign of appreciation and recognition.

It is through the gift giving process we remember all of the wonderful gifts we’ve been given through the years by loved ones, family members and friends. Do you still have your favorite doll, teddy bear or truck that you were given as a child many years ago? A gift like that holds many years of cherished memories and treasured feelings. If you do still have such an item or even a picture of you with that item, place it under the Christmas tree along with all of the new treasures yet to be delivered. If you either do not use a Christmas tree or have the item itself, place the picture of it in the south area of your living room or family room along with the red candle I referred to in a previous article. This memento will be worth many hours of joy, reflection and fond remembrances of past holidays plus hold within it one of the many reasons you celebrate the season.

Others of us remember the kitchen as the place to be during family holiday celebrations. If this is one of your reasons for celebrating the season, be sure to bake or cook at least one dish that is very special and holds great joy, peace and holiday spirit within. Serve this dish or baked goods at the time during your celebration that will provide you the most joy and fondest of memories. If you neither cook nor bake, go out to your favorite deli and purchase it. It will still provide you the same holiday memories.

If the single most important reason for the season is to look out for someone or some family less fortunate go to one of the local organizations that helps people in need and adopt a child or a family for the holidays. Designate an area in the east part of your house as a collection spot for everyone in your family to put their contributions to this person or family in need. Children are never too young to learn about helping others so this can be a wonderful family project. Because of the numerous hurricanes this past year there are still many needs in our local communities to be met. Knowing that you’ve helped another family less fortunate have a good holiday season is sometimes the best gift of all and is a big part of “the reason for the season”.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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