The first impression someone has of you and your home is from your driveway, the sidewalk or the curb. Is your home welcoming? Does it encourage good energy and guests to enter? Does it provide you fresh new energy day in and day out so your life can be abundant and prosperous – or are you teetering on the brink of trials and tribulations much of the time?
In Feng Shui the front entrance to your home is incredibly important. You can’t always choose the direction your home faces but you certainly can make sure it always gives a striking first impression, has great curbside appeal and encourages maximum positive supportive energy to enter.
How do you begin?
Since the front entrance to your home is the most important way for you to energize your home and yourself, be sure to eliminate all clutter in that area and immediately remove and replace any dead plantings. The front entrance needs to be clutter free so the new positive energy reaches you so can enjoy the peace and abundance it provides.
Next, make sure the entrance to your home is safe. Are the plantings overgrown, blocking energy from finding your home and front door? Energy enters through the front door and front windows. If the plantings are gangly, too tall or create a jungle like atmosphere, they are creating an energy blockage totally preventing positive energy from reaching you. Overgrown plantings also create a personal safety hazard by allowing someone who wants to harm you hide behind them.
While you are checking your plantings, be sure to look at your walkways and steps to make sure they are safe and in good repair. Broken steps and walkways in disrepair create negative or broken energy and further prevent positive energy from reaching your home. They also carry unsafe energy for those who walk through that space.
Case Study
A client of mine was facing two issues as they agonized over their front entrance area and walkway.
Because this family is environmentally sensitive, they liked their home to melt into the background of the green landscape. This however created a very dark walkway and entrance to their home – not conducive to attracting much positive energy.
They also had a huge tree on the left of their walkway that is very old and its trunk and roots raised their walkway more than 8” creating a major safety hazard for anyone who entered. They loved this old tree and really wanted to safeguard it.
In order to preserve the integrity of the tree and also energize the front entrance to their home we created a gently curving S shaped walkway. The initial curve to the right allowed ample room to save the major tree trunk and root, totally preserving its life giving nutrients. The gentle curve to the left and then back to the right toward their front entrance steps leads the eye and positive energy right to their front door.
Upbeat energy vibrations were then created by using various shades of red patio bricks juxtaposed against the green background of the house. Natural mulch was used to outline the gentle S curve further enhancing the gentle but constant flow of energy to the entrance of their home and into their lives. Additionally, large terra cotta pots for container plantings were added with flowering plants the color of the brick to add to the natural flow of energy started by the wide-mouthed S curve.
Not only was the end result welcoming and beautiful, bringing a constant flow of positive energy into their home – but it was also safe for guests to enter and upheld their environmental concerns about preserving the integrity and life of their precious tree.
Other Options
It doesn’t matter if you live in a free standing home, a townhouse, condominium or an apartment; there are numerous ways to encourage positive energy to enter.
Keep your entrance clutter free and clean. Place a wreath on the door of your condo with bright cheerful colors and change it seasonally. Or, you can place a small collection of 3 live or silk plants next to your door to create a welcome sign for energy. Be sure to replace them the moment they no longer look healthy, clean and vibrant. Make sure either the plants or the pots are bright and colorful. If you feel bold, paint your front door red or green – high energy welcoming colors.
Your front entrance and door is the most important place for new positive abundance and prosperity energy to enter your life. Take great care to make sure it can find you so you have the positive energy to create the life you choose.
Download “Energize Your Front Door – Energize Your Life” in PDF Format.
© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.