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Energy follows thought

Have you ever wondered why certain events happen in your life and then happen again and again only with different people, different places or different events? Do you ever question “why did I do that again, I did the same thing with the same negative results when I was in my twenties”? Or, because you’ve had a bad experience with some event a number of years ago, do you avoid participating in that event today because it may be negative again?

My clients ask me questions like this all the time with the underlying thought process always being connected to energy and whether Feng Shui has anything to do with not repeating negative thoughts and actions many times over throughout your lifetime. The answer is always “yes”, everything you say, think and do affects you either positively or negatively. When you’ve repeated time and again processes that affected you negatively from the past you will continue to do so until you shift the energy around that action, event or thought.

For example, do you dread going to a doctor for your annual physical because 14 years ago the doctor found something wrong and treated it successfully. Even though it was treated successfully, you still energetically connect going to a doctor with something bad. Or, do you continue dating the same type of people with the same negative habits you dislike and then wonder why after two years and nine month you break up with the person just like the last several people you dated?

It’s all about energy. Until you shift the energy whether it is caused by your physical surroundings or caused by your internal thinking you will continue to repeat negative events, actions and thoughts from the past. Spring is a great time of the year to do not just house or office cleaning and uncluttering of “stuff” but it is also a great time to do internal thought process cleaning as well. Change is very invigorating, motivating and uplifting; something to be embraced and embodied, not dreaded.

When you are ready to shift negative energy and let go of all of those actions, thoughts and events you can use a few of the simple guidelines to help you that follow. First, write on a piece of paper exactly what action you would like to change. For example, “I want to stop having negative short term unhappy relationships.” Read it over several times and make a firm decision that now is your time to change. Then take that piece of paper and tear it into a million little pieces and toss it forever into the trash. As you toss it, be sure to also toss from your mind the memory of such past actions.

Next, on another piece of paper write, “I want to find someone more appropriate and enjoy a long term relationship”. Place this affirmation somewhere in a drawer or on a mirror or the refrigerator where you will see it the last thing at night when you go to bed and first thing every morning upon arising. Every time you see it say the words to yourself so they enter you subconscious mind and replace the negative thought process you just got rid of. It is necessary to not only get rid of a negative energy thought, action or event but to replace it with a positive one. It’s not enough to just get rid of it.

The other thing you need to do is to energize the southwest relationships area of your family room or office with a pair of “something” like two equal flowers in a bud vase or a pair of equal sized dogs, giraffes or birds. They are a reminder that your first and most important relationship is with yourself. You need to love yourself enough to take care of yourself and not allow negative energy thoughts to rule your life.

These few steps work really well when you are ready to make a significant change in your life. You can use them to change any negative energy situation in your life and surroundings. Energy does follow your thoughts so if you are focusing on negative things the result will be more negative energy in your life.

Energy follows your thoughts whether they are positive or negative. Energy also follows your words and actions. Once you are ready for a positive energy change whether it is relationships with others, trips to the doctor or just taking better care of yourself, do it. You will not only feel better but wonderfully energized, and your life will change for the better. Remember, energy follows your thoughts therefore everything you say, think and do matters.

Download “Energy follows thought” in PDF Format.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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