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Feng Shui Creates “New” – Values “Old”

Do your actions support your intent? For example, do you want a long-term relationship with your significant other but spend only five minutes a week trying to connect? Or would you like to lose weight but haven’t changed your eating habits or added exercise to your lifestyle?

How you expend your energy and whether your action energy supports your intent determines your success. Basically you need to align your thoughts and your actions.

Make positive energy work for you

According to both the philosophy of Feng Shui and the science of physics, energy surrounds us everywhere. Even though energy has no shape or form it has been proven that all matter has energy. Whether man-made like houses or nature-made like mountains; whether an inside waterfall or an outside river, they all carry auspicious or inauspicious energy.

Some energy fields are positive and bring good fortune; others are negative and hostile bringing back luck, unhappiness and illness. To expand your positive energy you need to harness the favorable energy, making sure it gently meanders throughout your home, office and surroundings, bringing with it good fortune. Unfavorable ill-fated negative energy should be avoided and deflected at all costs.

Analyze everything in your surroundings, thoughts and actions. Then create a new blueprint that allows you to:

  1. Enhance the quality of your life

  2. Create harmonious relationships

  3. Foster good health

  4. Attract abundance and prosperity

It is important for the Feng Shui user to understand that its principles are used on the inside of your life (mental, emotional and spiritual) not just the outside (physical surroundings, music, people). If your external surroundings and internal thoughts do not align, there will be no harmony in your life. Life will feel like it is a constant struggle with nothing going your way. Does your mind and emotions match what you see on the outside?

Lifestyle designing

If you start to use Feng Shui principles such as decluttering to create surroundings that are calm and peace-filled, you will soon realize that your thoughts are no longer in alignment with your surroundings. The reverse is also true; if you start to unclutter your thinking it won’t be long before you will need to work on your physical surroundings.

Be aware of energy. Get intimately involved with your thinking and your actions so you can learn how energy interacts and what influence it has on your life. There is a new blueprint, a new roadmap to follow in the new millennium.

If you are feeling overwhelmed, it has to do with this shift into the “brand new” energy – energy from the past century that no longer applies. There is a transformation taking place in society – sort of a shift in the consciousness of humanity. Individuals will be self-responsible for working with life energies. The result of accomplishing this goal is a balanced and harmonious life.

There is a winnowing taking place, a sorting out of the “old” that no longer applies but keeping what is still relevant and merging it with new thoughts, ideas and actions. The “old” can be defined as things and people or thoughts and actions. Feng Shui is a perfect lifestyle philosophy for helping you move through this process of eliminating the old and retaining what works – then moving on to the new. No one is immune from going through this process but it certainly will more dramatically impact those ready to change now.

Apply energy to architecture and art

On the physical side, Feng Shui or lifestyle designing, once you’ve decluttered your surroundings, is about making strategic placement of furniture and wall treatments that reinforce your objectives and goals. It helps you:

  1. Harness positive energy currently in your environment

  2. Improves the flow of energy throughout by proper furniture placement and uplifting wall treatments

  3. Encourages you to choose accessories and decorative accents that reinforce your objectives

Discover uncomfortable areas of your home, areas of your life, areas you avoid and transform them into areas of delight, balance and joy. Have fun with color, shape and design as you use some of the “old” and create the “new.” If you don’t need it, get rid of it. Less is more.

Reconnect the value of the “old” with the “new”

Changes by design in your surroundings will teach you how to take charge of your life, how to attain long term and short term goals, improve relationships and achieve balance and harmony in your life. It’s called self-realization of your goals. It will help you transform out of the “old” into the “new” instead of staying in the energy you’ve had for years and just re-arranging it as a quick fix. Change the energy, change your life.

Next apply the same principles to your thinking. What thoughts have you been holding on to for years? Things you learned from your parents when you were three, negative thoughts from an old boyfriend when you were 17, all of the negative life experiences you keep holding onto – get rid of those, too. Write them on a tablet and shred what you wrote; you can do the same process on your computer then delete it. By getting rid of them you bring light and positive energy into your life. It is like throwing a pebble into water – it expands like ripples in the pool.

Relax and live in a space of graciousness – it moves out like ripples in water. Balance is a subtle blending of opposites creating harmony, of valuing the “old” that still serves you and making room for the “new.” Become the change you want to be.

© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.

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