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Feng Shui Formula for Fun

Are you taking life too seriously? Do you parse every word and question every sentence uttered by others – by you? Is everyone letting your down – not keeping their promises and commitments – or at least it seems like it? Is political correctness driving you mad – but that is all your co-workers and friends seem to engage in throughout your day?

Stop – life is way too short to take everything so seriously. Yes, there are lots of things in the world scene of concern and there are always things in your personal life that cause distress – health, the high price of gas, the next trip to the doctor, children needing attention, ill parents, the economy – the list is endless. But, if that’s all you day consists of; it is quite unbalanced, stress filled and lacking in fun and joy.

What is Your Number?

On a scale of one to ten with one being low stress, calm and enjoying life – and ten being totally drained, out of control and stressed-out – what is your number? If you are in the one to three numbers, you are doing great. If you are in the four to seven numbers, you are well on your way to a tedious wearisome lifestyle lacking in fun and joy. If you are at eight and above; beware – you are in living a lifestyle that is demanding, frustrating and unbalanced.

This simple exercise will help you better understand your life, why things happen the way they do and to what degree you are out of balance with your fun and joy to stress and frustration ratio as it relates to your daily activities and commitments. In the world of Feng Shui, balance is key to living your life in a way that maintains or improves good health, prosperity and joy. Fun is part of the process that leads to a better life filled with more joy.

A Simple Fun Formula

Do you need a simple formula for achieving more fun in your life? Are you devoid of fun – do you need a formula just to begin having fun? While fun may be a word that can be defined in a number of ways depending on your age and outlook on like, the following formula works for everyone. The formula is S M I L E.

  1. S – Sort, save and simplify your life. The less stuff you have to deal with (sort and get rid of the clutter) and the more organized it is, the easier, more simplified and less stress filled your life will be – this creates calm

  2. M – Make today and every day count by being more and more aware of what causes stress in your life and how to create balance by adding some fun. Put it on your calendar, plan ahead and commit to having time for fun – you will reduce stress.

  3. I – Invest in yourself by planning enjoyable events that are filled with fun – if you have a family learn to fly a kite, spend time at the beach, go to an art museum – if you are single take a friend out to lunch, pamper yourself at a salon, take a class for fun, go to or rent a movie – investing in yourself provides you joy.

  4. L – Learn to laugh at yourself and not take life so seriously. Learn to laugh with others. Laughter is truly great medicine, reduces stress and encourages merriment.

  5. E – Encourage yourself daily to have more fun through motivational tapes, mantras, angel cards with funny or uplifting sayings on them, music that makes your heart sing and puts a smile on your face – this not only puts you in-control but is empowering

SMILE – it really is that simple to make a positive change in your life, to reduce stress and to increase your fun. While it may seem like having fun is a frivolous, trivial and unnecessary component of life – it becomes very relevant and important when you put it in the perspective of living a balanced joyful less stress-filled life.

Other than the necessities of life such as work and family commitments, it will energetically serve you well to evaluate just how, where and on what you spend your time. Then, deliberately put time on your calendar just to have fun.

Fun is a key component of a balanced lifestyle filled with peace of mind, prosperity and hope for a better tomorrow.


© Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved 2008


Pat Heydlauff, President of Energy-by-Design ( and Feng Shui expert, is a consultant, inspirational speaker, columnist and award-winning artist. She has been consulting with individuals, families, and companies since the early 1990’s, with clients ranging from California to Florida. In addition, she speaks at corporate and organizational functions, and gives seminars to enhance productivity. Pat Heydlauff can be reached at (561) 799-3443 or visit:

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