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Gratitude Fuels Holiday Joy


What is your gratitude quotient? Are you half full, half empty, running on fumes or overflowing with joy?

Gratitude simply means acknowledging or giving thanks for something or someone good in your life. Some days that may mean you are grateful that you are feeling well enough to get up in the morning and find a refrigerator full of food. Other times it may mean you had a perfect day at work or you just won the lottery.

When you regularly express thankfulness or appreciation you will notice an incredible increase in your personal energy and an uplifting of your spirits. Remember, Feng Shui is all about surrounding yourself with positive energy on the outside along with great positive thinking on the inside. There is no better way to create great positive energy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, than with gratitude.

A Day of Gratitude

In our country we have set aside one specific day per year for the purpose of giving thanks which is great, except it is only one out of 365 days. Thanksgiving, our day of gratitude, has also become the go-to holiday of family gatherings, overeating, football games and making plans to go shopping the following day. But, that still leaves 364 other days of the year (365 in a leap year) that we do not take time to recognize all of the good in our lives.

There are so very many things to be grateful for in a free society like ours. Simply the fact that we are free with the rights to go anywhere we please, say and do anything we wish (as long as it is legal), wear the clothes we choose, eat what we want and spend time with those we love is a minor miracle compared to millions of others in countries without similar rights or freedom.

Use a Gratitude Journal

One of the most uplifting things you can do for yourself is maintain a gratitude journal. Write in it every day any experience that has given you hope or encouragement, or anything you are grateful for receiving, doing or experiencing. It is okay to write dozens of items in one day and only one or two on another.

Your gratitude journal will become your best friend on days when you are in need of an encouraging word or an uplifting thought. On a day when you are down or things are not going well, all you need to do is open your gratitude journal to any page and you will be overwhelmed with joy by reading about all of the things you have written in your journal. Do not put this off, begin today.

Feng Shui Tools to Energize Gratitude

To help you maintain positive gratitude energy, place an item that is symbolic of gratitude for you in the south area of your living room. Items you may wish to use could include things like a gift from a treasured friend, a small framed hand written note of appreciation from someone who was grateful for your kindness or a picture of someone who was always there for you. Make a point to look at your symbolic gratitude reminder on a daily basis. It will not only bring a smile to your face but you will also be reminded to think of something right at that moment to be thankful for.

Place a neutral-colored or earth-toned candle in the southwest area of your bedroom (be sure it is in a safe container). Make a determined effort to light that candle at least once a week before bedtime. It will not only serve to help you relax before going to sleep but will allow you a few quiet minutes to reflect on your past week and give thanks for everything positive that happened during the week. Remember to also give thanks for taking care of yourself. If you don’t do that, who will?

Once a week tell a friend or loved one how grateful you are just for them being part of your life. Far too often, we never say “thank you” to those nearest to us. It is so easy to take loved ones and good friends for granted. Or, thank a harried clerk in a grocery or department store for taking good care of you, full well knowing that they’ve had a hectic day filled with shoppers. It is so very easy to give others a positive energy boost by simply saying “thank you” — and you in turn will feel great for doing so.

Gratitude creates great attitude should be a mantra for all of us to say not just one day a year but throughout the entire year. It certainly makes others feel better and puts a smile on their face as well as your own. Have you ever noticed how good it makes you feel when you show appreciation to others? Gratitude provides a fabulous positive attitude. Start applying these tips today and everyone wins with a gratitude attitude, especially you.

© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.

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