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Help children with positive energy

A client recently asked me if Feng Shui works for children or is it just used for adults. She was interested in shifting the energy of her child’s bedroom from loud and bold to energy that is more peaceful and education oriented. I explained that energy knows no boundaries of age and it works equally well for young children, adolescents and seniors. In fact, in ancient China where the principles of Feng Shui were developed, Emperors felt they could “change their destiny” through the proper and deliberately planned use of Feng Shui.

Summer, when children have just finished school, is a perfect time to help children prepare for their new year ahead when school will resume again in the fall. It is the ideal time to sort out everything “old” and make room for all things new. When speaking to adults I would refer to this process as uncluttering. Children whether young or old are great collectors of their “first” of everything they do or have achieved. It is important for a child to understand that they have indeed grown mentally and physically over the past year and have achieved great accomplishments; accomplishments which need to be recognized by the adults in their world. So, the uncluttering process should be taken seriously and they should participate in the decision making.

The best place to begin with children no matter what their age, is with the uncluttering process. Use four empty boxes and mark the first one “toss” the second one “keep”, the third one “treasures” and the fourth “maybe”. Sort everything on their walls, in their closet and dresser, under the bed and on the floor based on these four categories. If the child is too young or wants to hold onto too much, the parent should do the original sort and allow the child to participate in the evaluation of that sort. If the items in the “toss” box are in good condition they should be given to a family in need, your church rummage sale or a charitable organization that would like to pass them on. This process also teaches the child the importance of helping others not so fortunate. If the items are no longer of value, they need to be permanently tossed.

Place into the “keep” box everything of importance that is not a time honored treasure, clothes that still fit, pictures or posters they are not ready to part with, school supplies and decorative accessories, etc. The items in the “treasures” box should be kept as long as the child needs them to reinforce their accomplishments, some maybe forever. Some of them could be permanently framed or placed in an official “treasures chest” where the child could see them or visit them whenever they need reassurance. A big deal should be made of the accomplishments of children; that is often their only reward. They need to hear at an early age “job well done” in order to continue blossoming. Only things that you and the children are not sure what box they belong in should go into the “maybe” box. It should have little in it, be put aside and visited again in six to eight weeks to see how it can be disposed of.

Once you have completed this process the walls, floor and closet should be empty so you can begin anew. The child also needs to be told that you are not just getting rid of the old but rather making room for new things to come into their lives as they are starting a new year. Take a good look at the wall color to make sure it is conducive to learning and resting. The best colors for that process to take place are light blue, light green or a gorgeous pastel teal. These colors are not only peaceful but encourage knowledge energy. If possible make sure the child’s bed is on a solid wall farthest from the door with no window behind the headboard or above the bed. This provides the best energy area for sleep and safety. Also place the child’s desk in the northeast corner of the room to further energize knowledge and education.

When hanging old posters back on the wall or purchasing new ones make sure they are not loud bold colors or in anyway represent a lifestyle you do not want your child to imitate. These images are very distracting and create energy not conducive to learning or rest. When they see posters of their “want to be heroes” they try becoming exactly what they last see at night when going to bed and the first thing they see when getting up in the morning. Be sure that what they see is what you want them to become. Children are dramatically influenced by their peers, their idols and the television. Closely supervising each will help you guide them.

Help your children by uncluttering their world and organizing it in a way that will encourage positive energy. A child with a room that is conducive to studying, resting and reinforcing a lifestyle that encourages wholesomeness has the foundation for a successful future.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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