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Holiday Joy


Joy, what a grand and glorious sounding thing to experience as the holiday season is upon us. It doesn’t matter what holiday you are celebrating, what does matter is that your season is filled with joy. Joy is that elusive feeling of happiness or sense of well-being and good fortune which seems to magically appear and disappear this time of the year.

Holiday joy is actually something you create for yourself rather than something that happens to you. Holiday joy comes from the things you do for others plus the decorations and people you surround yourself with during this season. Joy also comes from the unexpected kind things others do for you. Joy is truly the positive energy result of the kindnesses you show each other during this special season. They can be as simple as a phone call to a friend you haven’t spoken to in years or giving a plate of freshly baked cookies to a shut-in or a busy young mom.

Even though joy is something you can experience all year long, most do not. Joy is more of a positive energy state of mind than a manufactured illusion created from things. It actually is quite easy to maintain joy in your life as long as you possess hope. Joy springs eternally from a foundation of hope within. Hope is the eternal flame within providing a lighted path to finding joy.

So, just how do fan the flames of eternal hope? Is there a magic key to opening the door of hope or a magic switch to turn on the eternal flames of hope? Well, I don’t know about how magic it is but there are a few steps you can take in your life to increase the positive energy of hope and turn it into joy. First, find something in your home that you can either look at or touch that always bring you joy. It could be something a simple as a family picture taken at a very joyful time in your life or a poem your spouse wrote just for you years ago. It could also be an unexpected gift given to you by someone you treasure; a locket with the picture of your first grandchild or your grandfather’s pocket watch.

Choose whatever you wish, just make sure it brings a smile to your face and provides you great joy within. Put that item someplace in your bedroom or kitchen where you will see it first thing every single morning. Just its presence or a simple glance at it will begin your day with a smile and joy in your heart.

To keep the flames of joy growing throughout the day (rather than leaving them sit right there in your bedroom or kitchen) make an effort each day to either do for or say something kind to others. Your deed or words need to be sincere rather than a trumped up compliment or something you really did not want to do. They will know the difference and so will you. Sincerity is part of the joy filling process. The smile of either bewilderment or gratitude on the face of the recipient could provide you enough joy to last for days. Place your spouse, family members, neighbors, shut-ins, employer, employees and even strangers on your “kindness to do list”.

Also, do something nice for yourself every day. Don’t put off reading that book; watching the DVD your children got you as a birthday gift two years ago or taking that walk you keep promising yourself you’ll do when you get the time. Will you ever really find the right time to do something nice for yourself? Somehow, self is the last person you give special attention. Self needs nurturing, a “pat on the back” and kindness just as much as family members, friends and shut-ins do. But very little attention is given to fanning your own flames of hope and joy. When you look at your “joy reminder” first thing every morning plan right then exactly what you are going to for yourself sometime during that day. Just the thought of planning a joy creating event for self will give you a positive energy boost and bring a smile to your face.

If we could all find a little piece of Holiday Joy throughout the year wouldn’t this be a better place to live? If we do not create joy for self, who will? Joy is not only habit forming but it is also contagious. Joy is not reserved only for the Holidays. Put a little joy into every day of your life so you can share it with others.

Download “Holiday Joy” in PDF Format.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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