When it comes to the holidays, you get what you attract. If you are attracting chaos, exhaustion and turmoil, you will get chaos, exhaustion and turmoil. If you’ve set your intentions for experiencing holiday joy, calm amid the chaos and quiet enjoyment then you will reap those rewards and receive holiday joy, calm and quiet enjoyment.
The holidays can be a bit of a stretch for a lot of people. There are the issues of over spending, over committing and simply over consumption that can cause even the strongest willed some discomfort. Added to that is the stress created by the want-to-be picture perfect images of what a family celebration should look like, the consumption of the perfect meal and presents piled high.
If these are the nightmare images of your sugar plums dancing in your head take heart because you can create a holiday experience where you are in control and peace and calm abide.
It’s the Thought That Counts
Look carefully at your thinking. Everyone is constantly talking to themselves. The question is, “what are you regularly saying to yourself”. Are you telling yourself that you are a great person, can find peace and enjoyment this holiday season where you are and with what you have or can do anything you put your mind to? Or, are you constantly putting yourself down, sabotaging your holidays with negative can’t and won’t thoughts?
It is critical to observe carefully just what you are telling yourself because you can talk yourself right into having lousy holidays because your family is coming or isn’t coming, you don’t have enough money, you might catch a cold or lose your job. On the other hand, you can make an effort to build yourself up by regularly using encouraging positive thinking. It is very easy to put yourself down and deplete your much needed energy. Be determined to lift yourself up so you build good energy within.
Create a mantra for yourself that is encouraging such as “My holidays are a joy because they are calm and peace-filled.” Create your own version of this and say up immediately upon arising and then again at bedtime everyday throughout the holiday season. If you say it and own it you will create it, even amid chaos.
Limit Your Activities to Want To Not Have To
Look at all of the activities you participate in over the weeks and months throughout the year. Do they energize you or nurture you in some way? Are you volunteering your time or creating activities to energize or nurture others? Helping others is always energizing as long as you don’t overdo and become unbalanced.
How many activities do you participate in that are energy drainers? Evaluate each activity and every organization you belong to or every event you support with your time and/or money. If you do not receive an appropriate amount of positive energy in return for the time you invest then evaluate whether your participation is still important to you.
Make a list of all of those time and energy devouring activities – also include time spent with unsupportive so-called friends. Using a scale of one to ten with one being the most important and ten being the least important, give each of your activities a number. If the number is greater than four, consider eliminating it from your permanent activities’ list. Eliminate those constantly negative friends too, they are draining your energy and filling you with discouragement and despair. Focus most of your energy on those things you really love to participate in and they will energize you as much as you energize them. This is especially true during the holiday season.
These concepts are all based on the Feng Shui principle of creating a balanced life. Feng Shui is all about taking control of yourself and your surroundings so that you can attract calm and peace amid chaos and indeed live life to its fullest. Feng Shui is the use of positive energy to bring about desired good or improved results in your life. You can change for the better hectic chaotic holidays and attract the calm peace-filled holidays you desire by controlling your thinking and actions so they are in balance with your desires.
Download “How to Attract Calm Amid Holiday Chaos” in PDF Format.
© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.