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Is your closet on “overload”

Is your closet out of control? Do you still have clothes you wore to your daughter’s wedding or your son’s college graduation; or perhaps your own wedding or graduation? Is your closet bursting at the seams and trying to get your attention by hanging rods falling (clothes and all) or your sweaters tumbling off the shelves regularly. Do you hate entering your closet to look for something to wear and think “I have so much stuff in my closet but have nothing to wear”? Even worse, do you have clothes stashed not only in your bedroom closet but in several other closets throughout the house?

If you answered yes to any of the above questions or even think you might be close, energy clearing your closet will definitely help. Not only will it help organize your life but somehow there is a connection between “fat closets” and cluttered minds or bodies. If you are holding onto clothes from years past you are also holding onto thoughts and feelings from the past. You need to empty both in order to make space for new energy to enter in the way of new clothing and new thinking. This process is actually fun because the more “stuff” you get rid of, the better you will feel, and the better you feel the easier it is to let go of old ideas and thinking so positive new things and thoughts can enter your world.

This process is also much easier than you think. You simply need three boxes, really large boxes if you have lots to sort. Label the first one “donate”, the second “toss” and the third “maybe”. Everything in your closet that does not pass the “I love it, it looks really great on me and I feel terrific in it” test is placed into one of those three boxes. If you don’t really love the item, it doesn’t look great on you or you do not feel terrific wearing it, then you should no longer keep it in your closet. Those pieces are negative energy for you and help you further hold onto the past or things you should have let go of years ago. Everything else should be sorted into the other three boxes and properly disposed of. Only a few things should be in the “maybe” box. Review them in six weeks and if you still are not sure, toss or donate them. Someone else will fall in love with the very things that no longer give you positive energy or re-enforce who you are or want to be today.

In Feng Shui, positive energy is not only acquired through placement, i.e. something you put in a certain location to energize a specific need. It is also the alignment of your thinking with what you are focusing energy on. An overly full closet is symbolic of something going on inside as well. And, through the clearing out process of your closet you need to determine what issues in your mind or body need to be cleared out at the same time. Sometimes people with what I jokingly call “fat closets” also find themselves overweight. Or, perhaps they find themselves unfocused with no clearly defined direction to follow. If you find yourself holding onto clothes that are two sizes to small or too large it is time to toss them and also to deal with why they are still in your closet.

Live by the motto “I love it, it looks really great on me and I feel terrific in it” and you will always have a closet that is organized and contains only clothing that gives you good energy. By aligning your thinking with that motto you will unclutter self as well and be open to wonderful new energy, ideas and opportunities.


© Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved


Pat Heydlauff, author and public speaker is the “energy specialist” and proprietor of Energy Design. For Feng Shui consultations, classes and energy design work in the home or office call her now at (561) 799-3443  or visit her website, . She regularly makes public presentations on Feng Shui; “Energy by Design” and has a corporate program on “Substance vs. conditional acceptance”. Have a peace filled day.

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