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Kitchen Staging Yields Prosperity

Are you a kitchen lover; a gourmet cook with the latest high-tech equipment and recipes? Or are you someone who hasn’t a minute to spare, you never set foot into your kitchen to actually cook; do you carry meals in, eat quickly on cluttered countertops or even eat on the run?

Perhaps you are somewhere in the middle, someone who likes the kitchen in a sort of functional way. You enjoy putting a nice meal together when you have time, whether it’s for two or twelve people, but the rest of the time the kitchen is more functional than enjoyable.

No matter what category you find yourself in, the kitchen is known the “heart” of the home, and as such, it is an important source of energy. What kind of energy it brings depends on the state, cleanliness and order of your kitchen.

The kitchen is the heart of the home

As the heart of the home, your kitchen is the second most important room in the house, and source of positive energy in your home when it comes to the flow of positive energy. It is the source of nurturing energy that promotes good health and prosperity, while also providing great uplifting energy.

Everything, including your good health, productivity and prosperity, starts in your kitchen. Whether you are a master chef and love to cook or an eat-out or carry-in person doesn’t matter – what does matter is knowing that your kitchen is important when it comes to increasing your prosperity and success energy.

Kitchen Staging Savvy

There are three basic steps to creating great energy in your kitchen. The best part is, once you implement these easy tips, you will create the kind of energy that stays with you and nurtures you every day of the week.

Create a clutter-free kitchen! Start by eliminating chaos to allow fresh new energy to meander throughout, creating room for good health, wealth and prosperity to enter your life. De-clutter by cleaning out your food pantry and discarding anything that is no longer fresh or items you will never eat. Follow the same process in your refrigerator. Maintain some empty space to allow for new foods and new energy to enter your life.

Move on to your cupboards and drawers — eliminate anything that is cracked, chipped, broken or a never to be used, whether it’s a duplicate item, an unwanted gift or appliance. If you haven’t used it in years, you’re not going to use it or if it’s broken, GET RID OF IT.

Now that your cupboards are uncluttered, it is critical you do the same for the countertops. In fact, it is the energy flowing over and throughout your countertops that is where all the good nurturing energy begins. It is crucial that the counters remain clutter-free and unobstructed through the preparation and serving of food and meals, so nurturing healthy energy can meander throughout – even if the food is only a cup of coffee on the run or a carry-in meal.

Beware, too much of a good thing can be clutter. If you have small children in your home, kitchen walls and the refrigerator often tend to be a place to display all of their wonderful artwork and creations. While displaying one or two provides positive family energy and shows your child how proud you are of their creativity – a whole wall or cluttered refrigerator door creates stagnant and disjointed energy. This can lead to not wanting to be in the kitchen to prepare meals, total distraction for the food preparer or not enjoying a meal when sitting nearby.

Limit the creativity and pictures to the most recent one for each child and find another special place to use as a creativity gallery. Your energy will flow better and multiply.

Organize your kitchen! It needs to be convenient, functional and productive. It will save you time, steps and personal energy which leads to less stress, better health and improved productivity. Start by determining how to deal with trash and garbage. Since garbage is decaying, life-draining stagnant energy, place it into the appropriate trash containers and recycle bins as soon as possible. If garbage is kept in the kitchen to be removed later, keep it in a closed container or enclosed in a cupboard.

Organize your pantry with baskets or bins so you know immediately when you are about to run out of supplies. Follow this same process in your refrigerator. When you are running low on an item, place it on a shopping list to purchase on your next trip to the grocery store.

Place any appliances not used regularly into the cupboards or nearby closet and return them to the countertop only when needed. Place all knives and tools with sharp points in drawers – putting them out of sight and reach, which provides good safety protection energy.

By organizing you are calming the chaos that lingers in kitchens – it will be more efficient and you will enjoy your new-found energy and calm – yes, calm in your kitchen.

Stage your kitchen for prosperity. This step is saved for the end so that you don’t inadvertently energize the clutter, creating even more chaos and blocking new energy from entering. Use the following to energize health, wealth, and prosperity:

  1.  Place a bowl of fresh fruit on your kitchen table or countertop. Realistic-looking faux fruit will also work. This energizes abundance.

  2.  Keep your refrigerator reasonably full of nourishing foods. This energizes prosperity.

  3.  Maintain your stovetop and keep it spotlessly clean, and also rotate the use of your burners. The stove is referred to as the wealth energizer in your kitchen.

Whether you use it three times per day or it is simply a functional room you need for the necessities of life, it is important to understand that the kitchen is an extremely important energy provider in your personal environment.

Stage it for prosperity – de-clutter it, organize it and energize it so positive new energy can freely meander through. This is the energy that leads to improved health, prosperity and abundance, helping you create a productive, successful start to your day every morning.

© Pat Heydlauff, all rights reserved 2016 Pat Heydlauff, a “flow of focus” expert, speaker and consultant designs home and workplace environments that unleash the flow of focus and maximize performance while creating balance and increasing prosperity. She is author of the forthcoming book, Beyond Engagement: Seven Ways Leaders Fuel Tomorrow’s Sustainability and published books, Feng Shui, So Easy a Child Can Do It and Selling Your Home with a Competitive Edge. Contact her at 561-408-270

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