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Negative Thinking Cannot Live Where Positive Thoughts Resides


Are you a worrier, so much so that you actually have created exactly what you’ve been worrying about? Do you start a project and think to yourself “I’m never going to get this done” and you don’t? Are there times you dread doing something because you think you will fail only to actually do it and it turns out you were right? Have you noticed; what you fear most is what you create?

According to Napoleon Hill and W. Clement Stone in their book Success through a Positive Mental Attitude, 1960, “…we translate into physical reality the thoughts and attitudes which we hold in our minds, no matter what they are. We translate into reality thoughts of poverty just as quickly as we do thoughts of riches.”

Every thought on which you are utilizing negative energy will bring about negative results. If negative thinking is the way you process everything, just think of how great your surroundings and world will be if you focused that same amount of energy using positive thinking to create what you want, not what you don’t want.

My simple definition of Feng Shui is “the use of positive energy in your surroundings to bring about desired results”. It is important to understand that you need to Feng Shui your thinking as well as your surroundings. What happens in your world contains not only that with which you surround yourself with but also your thoughts within. Negative energy is generated from both your surroundings and your thoughts. Once you control not only your surroundings but also your thoughts you will be able to make significant positive changes in your life.

The Outside and Inside need to be Aligned

Just how do you go about changing your thinking? When it comes to your surroundings you can observe first hand everything around you and eliminate that which gives you negative energy. It isn’t as difficult as you think to look at your internal negative thinking and eliminate that which provides you negative results than to look at your external surroundings. But the reality is it is just as easy to become aware of your thoughts as it is to see the clutter and stagnant energy in your surroundings. I’ve developed a simple formula to help you expose your negative thinking and get you well on the road to shifting your thoughts to positive ones.

When you are ready to worry less (negative thinking) and use positive energy more, use this easy formula: F + C + PT = NR (Fact + Change + Positive Thinking = New Results). Write this formula down on a piece of paper as many times as you need to and place the formula everywhere you look often to serve as a reminder to pay attention to your thinking and what you want to change. This formula will help you remember how to do it.

When you catch yourself thinking negatively about something (e.g. failing an exam or you’ll never find a job) refer to your formula immediately. The Fact is fear of failing an exam or never getting a job. The Change is your acknowledgement of desiring to change from negative to positive and the Positive Thinking is replacing the fear of failure (passing the exam or getting the job) to get the New Results, a passed exam or new job. Continue to practice positive energy thinking about passing the exam or getting the job as long as necessary to shift your thought process from negative to positive energy.

Eliminating worry and stress can be just this simple. It does not matter what the Fact is. You simply need to acknowledge that you are thinking negatively about the Fact, realize you want to Change your thinking about the Fact and use Positive Thinking to create New Results. As you observe your thoughts over the next few weeks and months you will be amazed at the number of times you will catch yourself in the negative energy thinking mode. Even the most positive people in the world find themselves with occasional negative thoughts about trips to the doctor or friends being unjustifiably angry with them.

By using the formula F + C + PT = NR you will indeed find yourself worrying much less and creating better results. Through the use of positive energy thinking you will bring about your desired result, not your fears, plus you will enjoy more calm and peace in your world. Don’t waste another day constantly worry about things that might never happen. Instead, enjoy life to its fullest using my simple formula to allow only positive thinking to live in your mind so negative thinking has no place to reside.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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