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Reset, Renew and Remember as You Celebrate Your Holidays


With the holiday season rushing toward you at warp speed and Thanksgiving just days away, are you already thinking, “How am I going to get everything done this year with less time and less money?” Are you so worried about all the details and how to pay for it that you will never get anything done but worry? Use Feng Shui principles and positive energy to remove the hassle from the holidays and help you reset, renew and remember so your holiday season is filled with more joy and peace.

Hassles can pop up from nowhere during this busy season. Just driving down a busy street can be unnerving if someone cuts you off or runs a red light right in front of you. Add to that pre-holiday social and financial demands, meeting the constant daily needs of your family, stressful demands at work and the 24-hour negative news cycle, it is no wonder that you would like to hit the reset button and create a hassle-free season.

We live in a world with cement cities, sound pollution, isolated en-cubicled environments, high tech communications with no personal connections and the never-ending threat of terrorism. It is difficult to remain in a peaceful joy-filled frame of mind and still get everything done. With all of this said just where do you begin so you minimize stress yet accomplish daily tasks along with your additional “holiday to do list.”

Reset Your Thinking

Follow a few of Feng Shui’s positive energy organizational principles so you can be in better control of your schedule and reduce the hassles this holiday season.

Create a “holiday to do list.” Even if you are not a list person and do not think you are going to do much shopping or have many extra activities, this is the time to become a list user for at least the next six to eight weeks. It does not matter what holidays you do or do not celebrate and how many people you will or will not entertain. What does matter is that you are going to remain in control of your schedule this year so you can stay ahead of the game and remain hassle-free.

Place everything on your list. Include all gifts no matter how large or small, every medical appointment (include date, time and location), even things like grooming the pet and getting a haircut. For gift shopping, list what and where you are going to buy each gift. The only things that should go on another list are buying groceries and specialty items for holiday meals. While you will automatically know where to shop for them, they require their own separate list.

Renew Your Commitment to Efficiency

Take your list with you everywhere. It will help you organize your driving patterns to include several things on one trip when headed into a specific direction. If your dental appointment is located near the store that has the perfect gift for your sister, allow enough time for the dentist plus the side trip to purchase the gift. It will save you precious time and extra driving expenses. Do your gift buying now not when the stores are so crowded and parking is atrocious. Plan ahead and work it into your regular shopping and errand running schedule. By renewing your commitment to efficiency, you will be more in control and organized, creating your own hassle-free season.

Remember to Take Care of You

Surround yourself with relaxing music. Loud intrusive music, hectic schedules and the 24/7 economic bad news cycle fuel stress and chaos.

  1. Surround yourself with peace-filled music

  2. Keep the volume low

  3. If you love the music of the holiday season, play it during the whole season to help you get into the mood

  4. If you love New Age music check out the healing and calming sounds of artists like Steven Halpern

  5. Keep your television-viewing light and fun. Select viewing with fun stress free themes in mind

  6. If necessary, forego any talk show radio/television programs if they upset you. If they energize you then listen away. This holiday season is hectic enough without adding outside stress factors.

Plan ahead to create hassle-free holidays; it is important that you take as many appropriate steps as possible to lower your stress levels now, not once the holidays are in full swing. It is a matter of your personal health and well-being. Stress robs your body of much needed energy and depletes your ability to cope with day-to-day activities and prevent illnesses that tend to be prevalent during the holidays.

Make your list now and check it twice. By resetting, renewing and remembering you will stay in control and create a holiday that is hassle-free and filled with peace, a time when you can truly share the joy.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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