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Stress-free Holidays Aren’t Just a Dream


Planning ahead is key to creating stress-free holidays filled with positive energy and endearing memories. People get so wrapped up in their daily lives with meetings, health issues, “must do lists”, children’s or grandchildren’s activities that they totally lose track of time and the passage of the seasons. Now with political electioneering and financial doom and gloom in the 24/7 new cycle, stress has tripled when you start thinking about the holidays. Do you find yourself constantly running behind, frustrated, worried about finances and dreading the season instead of looking forward to every joy filled moment?

Begin now to create a memorable joyous holiday season this year. This doesn’t mean you necessarily need to start the shopping and the food preparation today although even those projects should be on your long “to do” list by the first week of November. It’s the short list you can and should take care of now so you can eliminate all negative energy producers that create a feeling of being overwhelmed and out-of-control. They prevent you from enjoying all the reasons you celebrate the holidays.

Clutter leads to Stress

In the world of Feng Shui, clutter is truly Enemy No. 1 because it creates chaos, leads to stress and prevents new energy from entering your life which brings with it hope for a better tomorrow and improved well-being. Every place you have “stuff” or clutter stashed, stagnant energy collects.

For example, if the clutter is in your health area, it will affect someone’s well being in the family. If it is under your bed, once you remove it you will sleep better. If it is in the relationships area of you home, you will find a relationship (one or more) that seems to be slipping away or changing into something less than desirable.

Everything has energy and it either affects you positively or negatively. Therefore it is important to remove as much clutter as possible from your surroundings and eliminate the negative stagnant energy. The fresh new energy that replaces it brings prosperity and abundance which can be enjoyed by you and everyone in your household. This is what also allows you to enjoy a stress-free holidays.

Make Room for Holiday Joy to Enter

The place to begin to make room for holiday joy to enter is with the most common of negative or stagnant energy distracters, clutter. No matter how hard you try, clutter seems to collect everywhere.

In your house is the kitchen counter or table a constant drop-off area for “stuff”. Keep a daily vigil to make sure it is cleared and clean at days end ready for the new day to begin. You will love the newly found energy you just created by eliminating that chaos.

Use the same philosophy for your closets. There is always laundry to be done, clothes to be folded or mended and items to be put aside for donating. Yet the closet can get away from you in an instant if you do not keep up with its daily maintenance. Pay special attention to the clothes in your closet because that is a part of your personal energy. The rule of thumb is if it doesn’t fit, look great on you or make you feel like a million dollars, get rid of it. It is that simple. You are better off with several really good looking outfits than a whole closet filled with clothes that make you feel mediocre. If you do not feel great wearing an outfit, get rid of it – it is no longer providing you supportive positive energy.

What about purchasing new things and new clothes, where do you put them? A great rule to use as a guide is when something new comes in, something old goes out. Apply this rule to all purchases, even those wonderful new holiday decorations.

Magazines, newspapers, books and an endless barrage of junk mail seem to collect everywhere as stagnant energy. If you happen to be young parents, toys and children’s clothing quickly become another clutter issue. Just what do you do with all those clothes and toys they so rapidly grow out of in their early years? Recycle them. Give them to friends, donate them or hold a neighborhood garage sale where everyone wins. Eliminating the chaos that comes with all this stuff puts you in-control while getting rid of the added stress.

Proceed through each room of the house uncluttering as you go. Get rid of stuff or donate it to charity so you can have fresh new energy enter your home while providing others a source of positive energy through the things that no longer serve you well.

Don’t forget the Garage

The garage should also be high on the list of areas to unclutter (check attics and basements too). Somehow it is the first place “stuff” is stashed and the last place to be cleaned out. More often than not, it is also the last place you see when you leave your home and the first place you see upon your return. Is that the image you want to remember every time you leave or enter your home? A clean well organized garage provides you positive transitioning energy whether coming or going.

It really is this simple. Clutter and the chaos it brings leads to stress. By eliminating the clutter and chaos you eliminate the stress and have more positive energy surrounding you. You will also have more time to do those things that are really important such as shopping baking and planning a truly memorable holiday season you can thoroughly enjoy with your family and friends.

You don’t have to just dream about having a stress-free holiday season. Take control of your surroundings and eliminate the clutter now and you will truly enjoy a stress free holiday season.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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