Are the post holiday sales your way to stock up on a new wardrobe? Did you receive clothes and accessories as gifts during the holidays? Do all the sale racks lure you into the stores and you tell yourself, “I can buy twice as many clothes at half the price, what a deal?” Or, are some of the sale items so tempting that you justify the purchase by thinking, “I’m sure I must have something at home that matches this.”
Wait a minute, just where are you going to put all that “stuff” when you get it home? Is there room in your closet and dresser drawers for the new clothing? Or, are your closets already bulging at the seams? Have you even taken over another closet in your home? And then there are all those shoes and belts that are scattered everywhere. Do you really need two more pairs of sneakers or a pair of purple heals just because they are on sale?
Clothes need to provide positive energy
In order to maintain balance in your home and life it is important to realize that everything you surround yourself with either provides you with positive or negative energy including the clothes you choose to hang in your closet and wear. Clothes that do not fit well, do not match or you do not feel really great wearing do not belong in your closet because they are providing you negative energy along with adding to your clutter. Only clothes that make you look and feel great should be in your wardrobe no matter how much they are marked down on the sale rack.
Purchasing a garment just because it is on sale is not much of a bargain if it hangs in your closet taking up space and collecting dust because it really didn’t match anything or it looked awful once you got it home. The same applies to shoes, belts, handbags plus all those lovely scarves, shawls and wraps that are currently so popular. You need to know exactly what you are going to do with the garment, shoes and accessories before you bring them home and whether they give you enough positive energy to deserve being part of your wardrobe.
Begin in your closet with your existing wardrobe
Before you tackle the sales by going to the mall and your favorite boutique stores, take a close look at your existing wardrobe.
Do you have some things (other than special occasion attire) that you never wear? If yes, get rid of them or buy something to match them so you can wear them. They are not providing you good energy the way they are.
Next try on all those things you’d really like to wear but don’t. If they don’t look great on you, it is also time for them to go unless one of your resolutions was to lose weight or workout so they will look great on you.
Finally, check out each of the garments you regularly wear to make sure they are still in good condition, match, look great on you and make you feel great.
When you’ve uncluttered your closet, you should have a wardrobe that serves you well and provides you ample energy for work, play, meetings and romance.
Shop with energy in mind
Now you can shop all the sales with energy in mind so you will purchase only those garments and accessories that give you positive energy. Judge your new purchases as follows:
Do you like the material and how it feels to the touch
Do you like the way you feel when you try the garment on
Do you like the way you look when wearing the garment
Does the color of the garment give you an energy lift or does it leave you feeling down
If you love the material, the way you feel and look in the garment and it gives you a lift then the energy is very positive for you and it will be a wise additional to your wardrobe.
Feng Shui’s positive energy applies to everything in your surroundings including clothing. Why wear something all day long that is surrounding you with negative energy when you can easily shift your wardrobe to only those garments and accessories that energize you and lift your spirits. Remember this simple rule of thumb when determining whether you should purchase or wear various articles of clothing. “If it doesn’t fit, look great on you and make you feel like a million dollars, either don’t buy it or if it is already in your closet, get rid of it.” Following this simple rule will provide you a year full of positive uplifting energy.
Download “Unclutter Closets to Energize the New Year” in PDF Format.
© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.