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Use Feng Shui’s Yin Yang for Self-Improvement


An often asked question is, “Do Yin and Yang have anything to do with Feng Shui?” Or, “Can I use something other than the traditional principles of Feng Shui to bring balance and harmony into my surroundings so I can improve my life?” Others even say they would like to use Feng Shui but do not want anyone to see something in their home that does not look normal, is weird or obvious.

Yes, Yin and Yang have everything to do with Feng Shui. They are part of the foundation Feng Shui is built upon; when Yin and Yang are in balance based on your needs, you will be in balance. For example weather that is not too hot and not too cold could be described as perfect Yin and Yang; also not too dry or too wet. Or it can be something that is not too big and not too small as in a wonderful piece of chocolate cake.

Not a One-size Fits All Tool

It is that balanced energy somewhere near the middle that provides you the best positive energy, personal balance, peace and harmony so you can thrive and empower yourself, not just survive. This is not a one-size-fits-all tool. Balance to one person might be a warm humid climate while another might prefer a cooler more arid climate. Yin Yang balance is the underpinning for planet earth. Earth and its gravitational pull have the perfect balance within the universe in order for it to remain in a gentle rotation cycle while revolving in its orbit.

You can use Yin and Yang to describe all direct opposites. When it comes to activities you might perform in a day, reading a book, sitting on the beach or listening to peaceful music is very passive and very Yin. If you are swimming, playing tennis or bicycling, you are very active and using Yang energies. Yang is considered energy from the heavens or the universe and Yin is considered energy from the earth.

Yin can be described as:

  1. Cooler, slower, darker, gentler, paler, softer and more passive

  2. Thin wavy lines, rectangular and broad oval shapes

  3. Matt or textured surfaces, natural wood and fabrics

  4. Blues, greens and purples

  5. Female

Yang can be described as:

  1. Hotter, faster, stronger, brighter, lighter, more active and aggressive

  2. Circular, octagonal, square and angular in shape

  3. Hard, shiny, reflective surfaces, glass, polished marble and stainless steel

  4. Reds, yellows and oranges

  5. Male

When it comes to home furnishings those pieces that are soft, have curves and flowing lines would be considered Yin and those with hard edges, reflective surfaces and are very angular would be Yang. If your home décor is too comfy and all you want to do is curl up with a good book or take a nap it is too Yin – add furniture with hard edges, lots of shooting upward lighting such as a torchier lamp, remove some of the pillows and eliminate some of the earth tones. If your décor is unwelcoming and no one spends time visiting you soften your décor with items from the Yin category such as pillows, throws and softer upholstered furnishings. If you don’t like going into a room or sitting in a certain area of a room, observe the Yin and Yang of that space – a few simple changes should shift the energy and better support your needs.

You can even apply this thought process to clothing. If you have a Yang strong in-control personality and you want to become more Yin, you can do that by softening your clothing, wearing garments that are soft to the touch, are deeper in value and drape or flow in the wind. If your personality is more Yin and you wish to strengthen your demeanor and become more Yang then wear clothing that is sharp, crisp and is fitted or more structured in nature. This simple clothing rule can be applied to your daily activities; every time you need to make a presentation, simply use Yang clothing and for a casual event, use Yin clothing.

Using a balance of Yin Yang energies is one of the simplest ways to use Feng Shui principles in your home and apply them to your life. If you have a lot of light colored tile on your floors it is very Yang and needs to be balanced with Yin furniture or decorative accessories that are darker and softer otherwise you might find yourself on edge and anxious. If the walls in your rooms are all quite dark they are very Yin and need to be balanced with lighter colored furnishing to avoid feeling down and discouraged. Too much Yang in a room will be exciting but eventually can create aggressive, angry thinking. Too much Yin in a room will be peaceful, maybe even boring but eventually could be depressing.

The same set of simple Yin Yang rules can be applied very successfully to an office to improve productivity.

By using the principles of Yin and Yang you can go a long way on balancing the energies in your home and in your personal life. And, no one will ever know you are using some Feng Shui techniques to do it. Through the use of Yin and Yang, you will expand the flow of energy throughout your home and your life; you will increase your productivity and improve your self-empowerment.

Remember to evaluate the rooms in your home based upon a few of the characteristics mentioned above and apply them so you can create a wonderful balance and sense of well being. The balanced flow of energy in your personal environment leads to a less stressful in-control improved and empowered you.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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