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Are You Stuck on the Yellow Brick Road?


Did you decide 2010 is your decade filled with the kind of change that brings you balance, prosperity and abundance? Lasting change, the kind that eliminates chaos in your life and provides you calm so you can take advantage of the law of attraction no matter what is happening in the world.

Did you start this decade with well-intended aspirations and determination saying “this time I’m going to do it” only to find yourself still stuck in the last decade? Where are you on your yellow brick road? Do you have a plan? Statistics show that 85% of the population never accomplishes change. Like Dorothy in The Wizard of Oz, they start down their yellow brick road of life with a goal in mind but without a plan.

Catalysts for Change

There are many catalysts for change but the three Ps, pressure, pain and perspective are some of the most powerful reasons for accomplishing change. You can exert pressure on yourself or others can pressure you to improve, change self-destructive habits, get a better job, give more money to charities or buy a better car or house. Painful experiences or learning lessons the hard way can also be a catalyst for change. Sometimes, painful experiences are the only thing that makes some people change.

However, from a Feng Shui standpoint of creating harmony and balance in your life, perspective is the best way to change for the better and make the change permanent.

SOS Plan for Change

In the story, Dorothy asked her beloved dog Toto, “Now which way do we go?” The Scarecrow answered, “Pardon me, this way is a very nice way… It’s pleasant down that way, too.” In order to travel successfully down your yellow brick road and accomplish your goals, you need the courage to See that you need to change, Own the change you desire deep in your heart and have the wisdom or knowledge to Solve the ‘how-to” question to accomplish change.

See your change – like the Cowardly Lion, you need courage to see what needs changing in your life. Make a list of all of the things you would like to improve in your life, rank them in order of importance. Then focus on numbers one, two and three. Choose no more than three to work on at one time. Three seems to be the magic number that your body likes to work with when creating significant change. It takes courage to see that you need to or want to change.

Own your change – the Tin man knows it takes a heart filled with lots of emotion and feelings to avoid all of the potholes, rockslides and detours along your yellow brick road. As in the law of attraction, it takes deep feelings to accomplish change and attract good into your life.

Once you have chosen your top three, create a yellow brick road visual reminder. This can be as simple as a piece of paper with one or two words representing the desired outcome of your resolution or a Vision Board made out of a bulletin board hanging on your east wall.

For example, if you want to increase your income place the amount of money you wish to make divided into monthly increments and place that number on your visual reminder. Or, if your goal is to travel to Alaska this year, put the word Alaska on your paper and add pictures of the trip you wish to take. Just be sure that whatever you choose to use on your visual reminder really motivates and re-enforces you to help you achieve your goal. You need to feel the goal or desired result in your heart to attract it.

Solve the way to change – the Scarecrow knew he needed a brain (knowledge and wisdom) but didn’t realize he knew the answers within all along. Feng Shui is all about the use of positive energy to bring about desired results. In order to attract your desired result (goal) with the use of positive energy, remember to seek wisdom from within and from your spiritual connection to God.

Through solitude, silence, meditation and prayer you will face your fears and find the strength to solve your problems and accomplish your goals. Read at least one uplifting book per month – your mind will be nourished. Do something kind for someone less fortunate as often as possible – you will experience joy.


The SOS plan is the road map for traveling down your yellow brick road and creating what you want. But to keep you from veering off course and winding up in your own fear-filled forest of lions, tigers and bears or a witches castle with flying monkeys like Dorothy and Toto, you need one more step, Resolve. It was Dorothy’s resolve that helped the Cowardly Lion find his courage, the Tin man realize he had his knowledge, the Scarecrow to find his heart and her to re-unite with her Auntie Em.

Use Feng Shui principles to energize your resolve and help you reach your goals and attract the decade you want.

  1. Look in the mirror every morning and tell yourself, “I deserve to have a balanced prosperous life” – you will increase your abundance and self-confidence

  2. Do something that matters everyday because you are giving up a day of your life for what you do – you will experience hope for the new day ahead

  3. Put a post-it note on your refrigerator that says “I am grateful for ____________” – read it every time you pass by the refrigerator and “you will be”

It is easy to be stuck, sidetracked or go in circles traveling down your yellow brick road unless you have a plan. Use the SOS plan with Resolve so you can eliminate chaos and attract calm while creating prosperity and abundance.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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