Find Rest, Relaxation and Regeneration in Your Own Backyard
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“Everything you think, say, do and feel matters because that’s how you create the future.”
Enrich your life with our library of articles on personal development, prosperity and abundance, well-being and stress reduction, Feng Shui / principles for living, relationships, business leadership and productivity, real estate, decluttering, and more!
Are rest, relaxation and regeneration at the top of your list now that summer is here? Summer brings with it patio living, picnicking,...
Jun 4, 2012
Dramatic Change Requires Grounding Energy
Do you find yourself going through massive change in your life? The kind of change that creates major energy shifts because a vacuum has...
Jun 4, 2012
Three Steps for Getting Motivated
When the financial markets are down, housing sales are less than desirable and the norm seems to be chaos, one of the hardest things for...
Jun 4, 2012
Rough Seas or Smooth Sailing Ahead…Take Command
Do you wish your life was smooth sailing every day, not just occasionally? Do you feel like you are you aimlessly adrift, being tossed...
Jun 4, 2012
Are You Stuck on the Yellow Brick Road?
Did you decide 2010 is your decade filled with the kind of change that brings you balance, prosperity and abundance? Lasting change, the...
May 29, 2012
2012 Rules of Engagement
Many people have a tendency to attract exactly what they don’t want in life but often what they need most in order to learn necessary...
May 24, 2012
Eliminating Energy Drainers Attracts Prosperity
Whether you are a realtor seeking illusive financing for a new client, a fulltime mother trying to make ends meet with less money and...
May 24, 2012
Is Clutter Standing in the Way of Your Success?
Do you feel like you are always running in circles – always running a little late or behind? When you arrive in one location, are you...
May 24, 2012
Four Strategies to Balance Home and Work
Are you already dealing with an overly hectic daily schedule or the added time crush of holiday commitments? Can you keep up with life’s...
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