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Can Using Feng Shui be that Easy?

When I’m out speaking to groups I’m often told by various audience members that Feng Shui is very confusing. They read one book and learn one thing and then read another book only to find out that it is in conflict with the first book.

Even though they really are interested in Feng Shui and would like to use its principles to improve their lives, they give up at this point because of the confusion and frustration. Invariably, several members of the audience are nodding their heads in agreement, acknowledging they too have had similar experiences.

Eliminating the Confusion

Feng Shui is a vast subject with lots to learn but it need not be confusing. In order to help take the confusion out of the subject, this is where I usually will spend a few minutes explaining to the audience that there are different schools of teaching for the ancient art of Feng Shui. The most common four are the Form School, the Compass School, the Western School sometimes referred to as the Black Hat Sect School and the Flying Star School. There is also a version of Feng Shui not used as frequently in the US but practiced in India called the Vaastu Shashtra.

While many of these schools have some common ground such as the flow of positive energy, removing clutter and a yin/yang concept for balance; the differences can be staggering and confusing. Directions also matter in a number of the schools as well as the elements but do not always have the same meaning.

My Preference

Since the early 90’s while living in California, I studied the writings of many of the Feng Shui Masters and heard many of them speak in each of the schools of teaching. After much research and evaluation, a number of years ago I settled on the use of the Compass School as my primary foundation of Feng Shui knowledge. When speaking and consulting I also select relevant and necessary information from the Flying Star School plus the Form School, the oldest and thought to be the original school of teaching some 3000 years ago.

I chose the Compass School teachings of Feng Shui because, as the name might suggest, it is based on the use of a compass and the energy representations of its eight primary directions. To me, the principles of the Compass School most closely align themselves with the naturally occurring energy fields on our planet earth. Earth has significant energy fields at the north and south poles. In addition there are other major energy fields on earth caused by the rotation of our planet on its axis and its revolution around the sun.

To me, that placed even more value on the need to respect not only the natural energy flow on earth but also on the north-south and east-west directions in which those energy patterns were flowing. Not all Feng Shui Schools use direction and the natural flow of energy on earth as part of their teaching philosophy.

Each of the four primary directions, North, South, East and West, plus each of the four secondary directions North-east, South-east, South-west and North-west takes on a special meaning or value in Compass School Feng Shui. Each direction also has specific methods that help to increase the energy flow in each of those directions depending on your needs and what you need energy focused on in your life.

For example, the sun rises in the east bringing with it the birth of a new day, new growth and new beginnings. That direction is associated with the development of new things in your life such as new business, new friends, a new job and new additions to your family. It also correlates to growth, improved health and better income. It is energized further by using symbols of growth such as plants, wood and trees, the very essence of growth every new day, or the color green. Springtime each year would also be considered part of the direction east.

Each of the eight directions in Compass School Feng Shui is assigned appropriate values, elements, seasons of the year and events. Using the directions makes it very easy to understand the logic behind applying Feng Shui energy principles to improve your life. It also takes away much of the confusion created by the various schools of teaching.

Yes, Feng Shui is a vast subject and can be studied for a lifetime without knowing it all. But working with something as easy to use and understand as a compass takes much of the confusion out of the process and allows you to focus on what is really important; creating a better tomorrow.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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