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Create Calm and Peace using Feng Shui


Does the assault of distractions, advertisements and social media messages leave your senses and peace of mind totally unbalanced and overwhelmed? Just a few short years ago, the average person experienced around 4,000 ad and information impressions per day. Today with the prevalence of electronic gadgets and social media, it is up to 6,000. And recent research shows that if you add cell phones with their mobile apps to the mix, it jumps to 12,000 impressions/distractions per day.

That is a lot of invasive, distracting outside information you need to process and digest — along with what is already on your plate. It can leave a person who works, is concerned about their ever increasing expenses and the daily barrage of negative information thinking, “I’ve had it; I can’t concentrate, and I cannot stand feeling this anxious.”

In fact most people deplete their energy faster than they create it; think about all the stress-inducing, chaos-causing activities in life. Everything from poor health, to toxic relationships to a stressful and lengthy commute can deplete your energy stores, leaving you anxious and overwhelmed. By creating a more positive energy flow, you can increase the positive “balance” in your energy reserves, leaving you ready to deal with life’s ups and downs.

There are ways to lessen the impact and bring more positive supportive energy into your world.

Create Calm and Peace

Feng Shui is all about increasing the positive energy in your personal environment to bring about your desired results – in this case, more calm and peace. Under these circumstances, the goal is to stay in control and build up a positive energy reserve for times of need by reducing chaos and stress-causing anxiety and replacing it so you can be in control. What follows are several things you can do in your home to help you and your family eliminate some of the negative energy attacks and provide you with energy reserves.

  1. Limit outside impression bombardment – beside the time you must spend on your computer, cell phone or social media, limit your online and print reading, and television viewing of negative news items to one hour per day. Choose the best time for you to spend that hour based on your schedule but definitely do not view the news cycle just before bedtime. NOTE: the last thing you hear or see before going to sleep is what your subconscious mind will focus on all night, creating restless sleep. Always view, listen to or read something relaxing or uplifting before retiring at night. This creates calm.

  2. Believe that you are in control – it is your world, don’t allow outside circumstances and surroundings control you and rob you of your positive energy. Repeat this mantra to yourself three times every morning: “I am in control of my world.” Make this a daily mantra and it will automatically increase your personal positive energy. The negative energy of outside chaos like helplessness and being a victim will be overcome with positive energy in control thinking. This energizes being in control which leads to calm and peace.

  3. Create a “regeneration area” in your home – put aside a small area in a bedroom, den, sunroom or lanai which is used just to spend regenerating alone time for 10 to 15 minutes, two or three times per week. When in this private area, let others know that you are not to be disturbed.This should be a quiet zone where you can listen to peaceful music, read an inspiring book, write in your journal, meditate or simply stare out the window and let your mind go blank and allow your body rest. Place a green candle in this area in a safe container and light it to help you focus on self-energizing. Carefully extinguish the candle when you are finished. You will feel uniquely refreshed and ready to face what lies ahead. This technique is very useful for a midday break or near the end of the day as it quiets your mind. This step creates peace within.

Most people are faced with far too many negative energy issues, bombarded with numerous activities and information overload, and have to focus on many tense events. These simple steps significantly decrease anxiety and chaos and significantly increase a much-needed reserve of positive energy. Follow these steps so that you are more in control, while creating calm on the outside and peace within.

© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.

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