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Don’t Just Cope with Life…Create It!


Do you face each day with a smile, enthusiasm and a plan? Or, do you plan to just cope with what comes along? Is your objective every morning to survive whatever life throws at you – or do you have a plan to thrive? Or, have you already learned the secret to life – how to create what you want and so you can thrive – not just survive?

The one thing you can count on is that if you choose to cope with life as it comes along – that is exactly what will happen. You will cope, make do, survive and endure but is that all life is about – coping, surviving and enduring things that happen.

The use of positive energy in your life and personal environment and the principles of Feng Shui are all tools, yes tools, you can use to help you do more than just cope with life. They are a large part of creating a plan to help you be in-control of your  life so you can create a better life and not just cope with what is thrown at you day in and day out.

Thought Creates Change

The important part of this action plan is the word “create.” One of my favorite thoughts or pieces of wisdom I often share with friends is, “Think it to create it so it can happen. Action follows thoughts.” Unless you think about something better than just settling, coping or getting-by when it comes to living your life – something does not happen.

If you want to move from coping to thriving or from just getting-by to prosperity then you need to have thriving and prosperous thoughts within to create the energy shift necessary to bring about positive change. You may not be able change the entire world but you can change you and shift the energy in your surroundings so you can flourish, thrive and prosper.

Create a Plan

Listed below are several options that will help you to create a new way of both looking at and living your life. Try as many as possible so you can find which ones work best for you.

  1. Dare to dream. Think about all of those things you wanted to do when you were a child – the sky was the limit. How many of those thoughts are still dreams today – dreams that can become a reality if you use positive thoughts to create them? Start focusing positive thoughts on creating one of those dreams.

  2. Find something in your home or office that you’ve created or made that really provides you great success energy such as a beautiful sculpture, a painting, knitting, a woodworking project, a flower garden, a trophy you were given for an accomplishment, a quilt, even a motivational or inspirational poster. Determine how that creation makes your feel and what thoughts it creates within. Use those positive thoughts and feelings to help you not just cope with your life but help you create your better tomorrow.

  3. Reflect on positive and uplifting feelings and make a real effort to keep only positive prosperous and success thoughts in your mind. Remember, what you think, you create. You deserve to create only the best for you.

  4. Surround yourself with music and sounds that support your positive thoughts. If you want a calmer life, listen to music that is calming. And place a small waterfall in the north area of your living/family room or office – be sure to keep the water fresh and use it for a few hours every day. Think about what prosperity sounds like to you – perhaps front row seats at a concert – play music from such a concert.

  5. Wear only clothing that will provide you positive thoughts energy rather than the “anything will work” energy, or the “it doesn’t matter” energy. Why, because what you wear matters. You will begin to both think and function like a career person if you wear career clothing. Or, you will act and think like a groupie if that is how you dress.

  6. Create a little mantra on a post-it or a carefully hand printed card with the words: “Action follows thoughts. What you focus on you accomplish.” Place your mantra where you will see it regularly and read it daily. What you think and read daily you will create

The real secret in this plan is you. The best and only place to begin is to change you. Begin with your thoughts. And, remember, the most important thing is, “Think it to create it so it can happen. Action follows thoughts.” Make sure your thoughts are in alignment with your dreams and goals because you will create what you constantly think. This is truly a case where everything you say, think and do matters.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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