There are many ways to describe Feng Shui such as; being a balanced lifestyle, living your life in harmony with your surroundings or creating peace in your life. But, there is yet another way of looking at Feng Shui. It can also be described as a Proactive Lifestyle where you are in charge, in control of self and your personal environment.
Through the use of Feng Shui on a daily basis in your life, you are no longer at the mercy of others, you do not have to feel like a victim and you certainly are not relying on others to generate your good fortune. Feng Shui provides you a road map to your future with you at the controls using positive energy in your surroundings to attract the results you desire. These results can range from a better life, better health and better relationships to more prosperity and abundance.
A Threefold Plan
Feng Shui helps you build a better life in three basic ways. It doesn’t matter whether you live in a house, a condo, an apartment or a dorm room, the place to begin is always the same, unclutter your personal environment. Living quarters filled with clutter are lives filled with an equal amount of chaos and disharmony. If peaceful surroundings that provide you uplifting supportive positive energy are what you want and need then you need to remove the chaos created by the clutter.
Clutter can be described as anything in your surroundings that are not functional, beautiful or do not make you feel great. Take a very close look around your home in closets, under beds, on table and counter tops, in the corners, containers, storage bins and anywhere else that might collect “stuff.” Then evaluate it. Just use these three guidelines:
Does it fit
Does it work
Do you love it
If things in your surroundings do not provide you positive energy, apply these four words “get rid of it.” Not only is it that simple, it really works. The first step to using Feng Shui energy in achieving a proactive lifestyle is uncluttering your world.
Next, organize and energize your surroundings to provide you that much desired peaceful environment that also creates positive uplifting supportive energy. Reorganize what is left in your surroundings so that everything is efficient and available at a moments notice. If that means purchasing organizing materials, bookshelves and storage cabinets, do it. Be sure to organize your clothes in your closets by function and hang things together that you wear together to save time. Controlling the amount of time you spend looking for stuff will save you hours of precious time every week. Hours you then can devote to things you really want to do.
Once you are organized, do energy enhancements in various areas of your house to support your goals such as better health, income, good luck or improved relationships:
Place an upward reaching plant in the east or southeast to energize good health, new business and income
Place a red candle in the south to energize good luck
Place a great picture of family or friends in the southwest to energize relationships
You probably already have everything you need to make these energy enhancements. Be sure to look at your belongings before rushing out to buy more stuff.
Finally, once you’ve uncluttered your world, organized and energized it there is one step left. Besides enjoying your newly found peace filled surroundings, the last step is to decide what you are going to do with the “new you.” Now that you’ve created a proactive supportive energy in your surroundings, the world is at your fingertips just waiting for you to discover this “new you.” This is your opportunity to live each day to the fullest because your life is filled with hope, peace and joy, the three greatest treasures of our society.
Just what are you going to do tomorrow in exchange for one day of your life? Are you going to take up sculpting or gourmet cooking? Have you been thinking of opening up a small business that has been in the attic of your mind for years? Will you become a “big brother” or a “disaster counselor?” When you live a proactive lifestyle based on Feng Shui principles the sky is your limit. In this millennium the better phrase would be “the universe is your doorstep.”
Today will be gone forever when tomorrow arrives. Make sure you are in control of each and every day so you can live it to the fullest. Live your life to its fullest through a proactive Feng Shui lifestyle and experience joy.
Download “Feng Shui is a Proactive Lifestyle” in PDF Format.
© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.