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Feng Shui safety for the Holidays


Even though most of the emphasis during the holiday season is on things like shopping, baking, gift giving and entertaining friends and family, care and thought needs to be given to make sure the holidays are also filled with positive safe energy. You may wonder, “Just what is positive safe energy and what does it have to do with the holidays”. Or, “is safe energy during the holidays any different than it would be any other time of the year”?

Yes, there is a definite difference in positive safe holiday energy versus other times of the year. Positive safe holiday energy stated simply is “the acknowledgement of the extreme busyness of the holidays with little time allowed to take care of self”. Most everyone is twice as busy during the holidays and seems to have half the time to get everything done. When you live your life at such a fast pace, even if it is for only 30 days, it is very easy to over commit your time and over extend your energy. Once you over commit your time and energy it is all too easy to walk into things, forget to make a correct turn while driving your car because you are hurrying or miss a step on a curb with a handful of packages or groceries. All of a sudden you are faced with the possibility you’ve sprained an ankle, you’ve hurt your back or find yourself driving through an unsafe area.

Positive safe energy is much more elusive during the holidays so it is very important to take more care than ever to protect self. If you live or winter in a warm climate you have one less worry, that of dealing with the cold winter winds plus ice and snow which make it even more hazardous during the holidays. Regardless of where you live, taking care of self needs to be at the top of your shopping and “to do” lists so you can enjoy a prosperous and healthy New Year ahead.

One of the best ways to have a safer holiday season is to slow down and make sure your plans include a safe holiday season for your family, friends and especially self. Start your planning right now by organizing everything you need to do into three lists. List number one should include everything you need to shop for in the way of food items for baking and cooking meals during the next few weeks. Remember to place onto that list all of those once a year spices, condiments and hard to find food specialties that only seems to be available this time of the year. Keep this list with you at all times until you have completed the purchase of each item. As you shop in grocery, gourmet and health food stores you will know exactly what you need and can purchase it as soon as you see it. This type of organization prevents the loss of precious moments and allows more time for taking care of self.

Onto list two place all of the items you need to shop for in the way of gifts. If possible, delegate some of this shopping to others as long as you can be specific so unwanted items are not accidentally purchased. Items on this list should be ranked in order of importance with “very important” at the top. That way you will be sure to make the most important purchases first. Wrap and label gifts as soon as you bring them home so there is no last minute crunch of wrapping until midnight several nights in a row.

On the third list place all of those things you need to physically do prior to the day or days you will be celebrating your holiday events. This list should include things like going to the office Christmas party, cleaning the condo or house, baking cookies, visiting shut-ins, telephoning friends and family members you will not see during this season and even buying something special to wear so that you will feel really great when wearing it. The larger you allow this third list to grow the busier you will be and the more hectic your life will become. Controlling this third list is very important in making sure you surround yourself with safe holiday energy. If there are things on this list that really do not need to be done within the next three weeks, remove them. DO NOT OVER COMMIT YOUR TIME AND ENERGY.

Taking care of self is just as important during this very busy season as making sure the house looks perfect, the cookies are baked and the candles are lit. The secret is to make sure that “the important things” on your list get done and not to worry if the things at the bottom of your lists don’t. The holidays are all about sharing the joy of the season in a safe and healthy way with those you love; not to see how much you can get done or how much money you can spend in a very short period of time. Make a commitment now to self to celebrate the joy of the season so you can have a safe, healthy and prosperous 2006.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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