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Get intimately involved with your “Good Health”

The ancient Chinese who practiced Feng Shui approximately 4000 years ago believed that they could “change their destiny, longevity and health plus do the same for their children for seven generations” through the appropriate use of Feng Shui. The practice of using positive energy was an integral part of their everyday lives. It was neither a religion nor a law of the land for them; it was simply their lifestyle; their way of living and thinking. They lived their lives focusing positive energy on all the decisions they made, especially the food they ate and their medical or health care as we would call it. Second only to wealth and prosperity, good health and longevity was their energy priority.

It seems like health and longevity is also a priority today but rarely is thought given to something as simple as focusing positive energy on good health, not only to stay healthy but to improve it. Yes, many people go to the gym, jog, walk, swim, do yoga and even watch what they eat; but to focus positive energy onto good health and longevity requires energizing your surroundings and thinking along with exercise and nutrition so that everything is uniformly in balance. You need to get personally involved with your health and realize that medical professionals can’t have all the answers to all of your daily maladies all of the time. Unless you can give your physician, nutritionist, herbalist or medical practitioner an exact description of what you are dealing with, how can you expect any of them to know exactly how to help you?

The body likes to have harmony within and without in order to perform well and live life to its fullest. That means you need to be personally involved with your body’s needs. Focus your personal positive energy on helping your health improve, do some research and track your health swings. Do you always seem to catch a cold in the spring? Maybe it is the result of lots of pollen in the air and it’s an allergy not a cold. Do you get the sniffles after rain storms, hurricanes or other moist natural events, it might not be allergies or a cold but rather mold. And, do you happen to get a headache 24 hours after eating a small (or large) bowl of ice cream. You might research whether you are lactose intolerant. Get involved, you are the most important person you know and need to take care of yourself.

A lot is written about the merits of exercise and nutrition but little is written about creating a positive energy atmosphere in your surroundings and in your mind to maximize your health and longevity. Based on the principles of Feng Shui there are a few basic steps you can take to positively energize health and longevity in your surroundings and thinking.

The place to always begin is to simplify and unclutter your world. The more “stuff” and clutter you have around the more you have to care for, dust, read, organize or eliminate. When you have less clutter surrounding you it is much easier to focus energy on taking better care of yourself. Do some research and engage in positive thinking. Always begin your uncluttering process in your bedroom. The bedroom needs to have energy freely meander throughout allowing your body to enjoy complete rest when sleeping. Nothing should be stored under your bed so that the positive energy can also circulate your body while resting. Use peaceful soft colors on the walls in your bedroom as they are more restful. Carry that color on through to the bathroom if it is visible from the bedroom. Bright energetic colors are not conducive to good rest. Light earth tones, skin tones and pastel ocean colors work best.

Use the uncluttering process throughout your house doing the kitchen second, then your living room or family room and eventually the remainder of your home. Pay particular attention to the kitchen and treat it much like the bedroom. Positive energy must  meander through and linger in the kitchen because that is where you nourish yourself and others. Keep the cupboards organized and useable at a moments notice. Make sure your pantry is always filled with fresh nutritious food and be sure to place new purchases behind existing products to maintain freshness. Always have a bowl of fresh fruit on your kitchen table or countertop as it symbolizes good health and prosperity, both of which lead to longevity.

Finally, fresh live plants placed especially in the east area of your bedroom and family room or living room add that extra spark of positive living energy further emphasizing your desire for good health and longevity. If you do not want live plants or cannot take care of them invest in a few really abundant silk plants and flowers for those areas of your home. Plants represent growth, regeneration and uplifting health in Feng Shui design.

It isn’t expensive and does not take a lot of effort to focus more positive energy in your world onto health and longevity. First and foremost, “get intimately involved with your health” so you know what is going on and can do more to help yourself and help the professionals you rely on. Then, unclutter your world, design your bedroom for regenerating rest, always have fresh fruit in your kitchen for viewing and eating plus add some living plants to your life. These basic steps help energize that which is most important to all of us, our health.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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