The human spirit is easily broken when hope is lost. Many of us came close to not only losing hope but everything we have or own in this world when Hurricane Jeanne paid us an un-welcomed visit. Hurricanes are definitely negative energy. They are very powerful in their ability to destroy anything in their path including the human spirit. Having been so viciously attacked twice in one month, it is no wonder that all of our neighbors are suffering from a sense of hopelessness, discouragement and perhaps a touch of depression. This kind of loss can be very profound to say the least.
However, over the last week or two, I have observed a strong resilience on the part of all of our local communities; a willingness to band together and help one another with the attitude, “together, we are going to make it”. We are yet again rising to the occasion and doing what Americans do best, help each other get through difficult times. This is one of those times when perhaps only a hug will help. Words of encouragement are priceless at times like these and should be used often to help yourself and your neighbors invigorate the spirit. Chaos and destruction are filled with a great deal of negative energy and will not change to positive until order is restored.
Feng Shui has some unique tools that can be put to use to help invigorate hope. One of the techniques most widely used to energize the spirit is the use of color. The specific color is purple. It has been widely recognized for centuries as a spiritual color and has a particularly positive energy about it. Place something that is a deep rich purple in the center of your home to provide you with balanced energy. Following the chaos of such an overwhelming natural disaster, we are all in need of bringing some balance back into our worlds. This item can be as simple as a purple candle, a rich lustrous purple pillow on a sofa or a beautiful wrap or scarf with tassels draped over the edge of a table or chair. It is the energy of the color you are looking for, not necessarily the product itself. Just be sure that whatever you use, you love.
Another widely recognized tool is the use of sound. Provide yourself very pleasant peaceful sounds throughout your home that bring you pleasure and contentment. Place items of this nature especially in your bedroom and the kitchen. Both rooms are places of nourishment and revitalization. While food and sleep nourish the physical body, pleasant sounds nourish and revitalize the spirit. On the list of favorite items to use to create pleasant, peaceful sounds are indoor wind chimes, water fountains and CDs that play similar music. There are many wonderful CDs available today with the sounds of birds singing, ocean waves lapping on the shore and soft rainstorms. These are the sounds that help restore peace where there is chaos.
The last option is on the inside, not the outside. All of us talk to ourselves a lot. A lot more than we even realize. We have a running dialogue going on in our mind at all times. If you question this, just listen to yourself when you go to bed at night. How often do you lay awake half the night carrying on a conversation with yourself about all the things you should have done or need to do the next day? We are quick to criticize or put ourselves down but rarely do we speak kindly to ourselves or use words of encouragement. Make an effort over the next 30 days to encourage and uplift yourself with those constant words running through your mind. Reassure yourself that tomorrow is a new day and will be better than today. Remind yourself that you are in control of your world and choose to have positive energy instead of all of the alternatives. Tell yourself that “I can do this” or “today is better than yesterday”.
Positive energy is the answer to invigorating hope. You choose what works best for you. It may or may not be on my list above but that does not matter. Accept hugs when offered, offer in return to a friend in need. Use spirit filled energy colors like purple, listen to the joyful sounds of chimes or birds singing and remember, encourage yourself not just others. Positive energy will rekindle your hope so strongly that the flame will burn brightly enough to help others find hope along the way as well.
Download “How do you replace lost positive thinking” in PDF Format.
© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved
Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork, call: 561-408-2708.