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How to create better energy without trying

Energy, just what is energy? Some say it is the formula E = mc². Others say it is the wind blowing in your hair – you know it’s there but you can’t see it, smell it or hold it in your hand. A thought in your mind is a form of internal body energy. A fever when you are ill is a “warning sign” type of heat energy. Also, there are those who will also tell you energy is the raising of the hair on the back of your neck that prickles when something bad is about to happen.

Actually all of these are forms of energy. Each of these forms is made up of positive and negative energy. Too much energy using the formula E = mc² can create a huge amount of destructive energy as in a nuclear bomb. The same holds true for the massive energy of the wind in a hurricane, a tornado or the heat energy of a fire or a volcano. But when energy is properly harnessed it can be used to the benefit of mankind such as a windmill harvesting the wind that can generate electricity; or the energy of heat from a fire can be used to cook and warm your home.

The field of Feng Shui is based on energy. These two words, Feng Shui, are translated into wind and water, two of the earths more significant forms of natural energy. The use of Feng Shui energy, often referred to as the elements, can dramatically improve your personal well being by simply harnessing those natural energies provided by Mother Nature. Those five elements are water, wood, fire, earth and metal.

The proper use of the elements is a very easy way to create better energy in your home or office. The only rule you have to follow is “use a balanced amount of each element in every room”. Considering there are only five elements to deal with, this should be a relatively easy process. However, I will caution you, overdoing one or two of the elements in any given room can also throw off the balance in that room and you will feel uncomfortable in it every time you enter it.

While using the five basic elements to create better energy in your world use the following guidelines to maintain balance.

  1. Water is represented by deep blues and purples plus wavy lines. This element is best used in smaller quantities such as tabletop waterfalls, pictures with lakes, oceans and rivers or the actual colors. The water element is very cooling so it is great in a south facing room but can be really cool and unwelcoming in a north facing room, especially if you paint the walls blue. Too much of this element can be very depressing. You can create balance by energizing it with fire and wood.

  2. Wood is represented by plants, trees, wooden items, the color green and a tall thin rectangular shape. This is a very healthy element with a healing color and can be used more than most of the elements. You can add the wood element easily to most rooms through wooden pieces of furniture, wood flooring, pictures of trees, plants (live or silk) of various sizes along with the color green. If there is too much wood in your office or home balance it by adding metal and fire.

  3. Fire is best represented by the color red and items that reach upward ending with points on the top such as mountains, pyramids, even candles. This element should be used sparingly as it can energize a room enough to created “heated arguments” and a hyper nervous atmosphere. Use splashes of the fire element in shades of red or upward pointed shapes to warm up a cool north facing room or to energize a very cozy earth toned room. As a general rule, do not use red in the dining or breakfast room as it stimulates the appetite and also is not conducive to quite conversation. If a room has too much fire add some wood and water for balance.

  4. Earth is generally represented by soft flowing items like upholstered furniture, throws, flowing curtains, low rectangular shapes, all the earth tone colors, especially terra cotta, ceramics, glass and those objects made out of the earth. This is a very peaceful relaxing element and should take up at least 60% of the space in your home in rooms where you wish to relax, sleep or be together with the family. However, if there is too much earth in any given room you can become very lethargic and unmotivated, add some fire and water for balance.

  5. Metal is represented by the various metals (gold, silver, copper, brass, pewter, etc.), those same colors plus white and the round shape of a circle. This is a highly energizing element and great for offices or rooms in a home such as the kitchen where activity needs to take place. In other areas go lightly. If your rooms have walls that are white, your furniture is white and your flooring is a light color you will find it uncomfortable to sit and relax in such space. Add some earth and wood to bring it back into balance.

Creating balance through the use of the elements is lots of fun and very easy. Use the one simple rule of balance in every room, including your office. It works every time and no one will even know you used Feng Shui to do it.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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