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Reenergizing Yourself Restores Productivity and Prosperity


Imagine your world where things go right 90% of the time. Imagine ending each day with time left over just for you. Imagine a better tomorrow without stress – filled with productivity and prosperity.

An independent business person that works out of her home office and is the top sales person for a large international private, non-profit organization believes in this philosophy and tries to live it daily. Recently she wrote, “It’s just a rotten day – small stuff. A few medical things have flared up again, there’s lots of stress to deal with and I’m not sleeping well. All small stuff – but I’m dealing with it.”

If this is where you are today it’s good to know you can do something about dealing with “stuff” and getting back on track. Feng Shui is all about creating balance in your life and using its principles to focus positive energy on areas needing improvement.

Finding the Problem – Creating the Solution

Sometimes that improvement can be found easily by just stepping away from your keyboard or telephone and taking several long slow deep breaths, doing a two-minute meditation at your desk or going for a leisurely walk. But when that doesn’t do it or your “stuff” just keeps re-occurring, it’s time to look deeper.

Use the PMS-ES formula to discover what’s going on behind the scenes. You can’t reenergize and restore yourself unless you know what is causing all this “stuff” to constantly repeat itself in your life. Look at the following areas of your life to see what is causing your energy depletion, disengagement and discouragement. Check out each area of the PMS-ES formula to find the areas in your life that need reenergizing and restoring.

P – The Physical body requires daily nourishing and exercise. Evaluate how you are caring for your physical body to see if there is something missing. Are you eating too much junk food? Should you take nutritional supplements? Do you exercise daily by walking or going to the gym? If you are overlooking something in the physical body take steps to correct it to see if that is your missing link.

M – Mental variety and activity is essential to a balanced energized lifestyle. Is all of your work on the logical left side of the brain? Do you work with numbers, quotas, computers and technical things all day? You find balance by doing something creative such as writing, painting, sewing, sculpting and dancing to name a few. If your work primarily uses the creative right side of the brain balance it with things like mind games (Sudoku, crossword and word find puzzles etc.) tennis, golf etc.

S – Social activities cannot be overlooked for their important role in your life. While everyone needs varying amounts of social interaction, if it is absent or in limited amounts in your life, it will cause great imbalance. Deliberately add social events to your calendar with uplifting people until you find the right formula for reenergizing and restoring your productivity and outlook on life. If you have too many of the wrong type of social events on your calendar participate only in those that encourage you and uplift your spirits.

E – Emotions are very important in the reenergizing and restoring process. If your emotional well is dry it is very easy for “stuff” to happen and constantly reoccur. First, place something in the northeast corner of your desk or office (after you’ve uncluttered that space) that reminds you of a very joy filled encouraging and motivating time in your life. It could be a picture of you graduating or receiving an award – even a toy from childhood. Second, take one hour of your day to read something inspirational or motivational. It can be old favorites like The Power of Positive Thinking, the Bible, or a book on uplifting quotes. It can be new favorites like The Secret or Your Best Life Now. You need to fill your emotional well to over-flowing so you can get past the reoccurring “stuff” and restore your energy.

S – Spiritual emptiness often accompanies a dry emotional well. Take 15 minutes every night before going to bed to quiet your heart and mind; dim the lights and light a candle in a safe container. Place the candle in the east area of the room you are in to shed light on and energize new beginnings. Spend the next 15 minutes reflecting on what you read in the morning. This will nurture and reenergize your spiritual side. You can also meditate and visualize all five aspects of the PMS-ES coming into alignment so they will be reenergized and restored to complete balance.

Having a life that goes your way 90% of the time without stress – filled with productivity and prosperity is all about being balanced physically, mentally, socially, emotionally and spiritually. When your life is out of balance things go wrong and “stuff” happens. The more balanced your life is, the less “stuff” happens. And when it happens, it will be much less stressful.

Treat yourself as you are and you will stay as you are. Treat yourself as you want to be and you will become what you want to be.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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