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Small Changes That Can Have Big Effects

“If you take care of the small things, the big things take care of themselves. You can gain more control over your life by paying closer attention to the little things,” according to Emily Dickinson, 1830–1886.

Gaining more control over your life, that’s exactly what Feng Shui and its principles are about. It’s only when you are in control can you create balance in your life. Balance, however can have many different definitions at various times in your life and can vary greatly from what creates balance for you versus the lives of your friends and family members.

Take Control of the Little Things

Now is the perfect time to make those small changes by doing internal fall cleaning, both in your home and the things you’ve surrounded yourself with; and your thoughts, pre-conceived notions and the walls you’ve psychologically built around yourself. This is one of the best times for cleaning and uncluttering so you can make room for new energy to enter your life when the new year arrives. You need to make room for new thinking, things, relationships and prosperity physically and psychologically so you can prevent anything negative from 2009 and 2010 to linger and hold you back in 2011. Today is:

  1. The best time to remove the cobwebs

  2. To evaluate and implement the lessons you’ve learned through this process

  3. And get rid of any constipating negative energy.

It is the unresolved issues, the incorrect influences of others and the fear of change that creates negative energy within just like clutter and the wrong furniture or the wrong  colors on your walls create negative stagnant energy in your surroundings – energy that prevents you from being in control and making room for successful new energy to enter.

Begin Today with Your Surroundings

Check each room in your home and office; make sure they are clutter free so new energy can enter and flow freely.

Begin in your bedroom so you can sleep well every night and wake up refreshed in the morning. Get rid of things in your closet and drawers that don’t fit right, look great on you or make you feel great wearing them. Remove everything from under your bed so regenerating energy can flow freely around you while sleeping resulting in a better night’s sleep. And, eliminate or enclose all high energy electronic equipment including televisions and computers from the bedroom.

Move onto to the kitchen, eliminate clutter from countertops, keep the refrigerator and pantry full of fresh food and get rid of things in cabinets and drawers that you haven’t used in years – this makes room for good health and prosperity to enter. Always keep a bowl of fresh fruit or colorful faux fruit on the counter or table to energize abundance. Follow this process in every room of the house including your office whether at home or at the workplace.

Next, check on the placement of your furniture – make sure your furniture does not inhibit the flow of energy throughout. Do you have too much furniture or is it too large for your space, if yes get rid of the pieces you do not love. Overcrowding of your space creates blocked energy and prevents the flow of new energy that carries prosperity. Also make sure that you can easily move around furniture to get to other rooms and down a hallway or up the stairs. If you can’t do it, neither can energy flow throughout.

Follow this simple formula to make changing the little things easier, especially if you want to eliminate negative thinking and preconceived notions: A + E + I = BS.

  1. A = acknowledge that something either needs to or has changed.

  2. E = evaluate just what happened that caused the inaccurate thinking or actions and to learn the appropriate lessons paving the way for change or new energy.

  3. I = implement changes in your thinking which is what makes the old issues or events disappear and allows for that wonderful new restorative energy to enter.

  4. BS = balanced self which is the mental state you need to be in for energy to shift and new thinking and events to happen.

When you start with the little things such as uncluttering your home, you will find that the shift in energy will encourage you to make the same type of changes within. The big result or big effects from small changes will be an in control, anxiety-free confident you.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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