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Will your resolutions make a difference for 2005


Have you made your resolutions for 2005? Will they improve your energy in the new year? Are they important enough that you will stick to them? Are there some changes that should definitely be on your list? Would you like to energize your life and your surroundings but do not know how? Is there a simple plan?

At this time of the year many of us have the best of intentions and make all of these wonderful resolutions but by January 20 at least half of them are hanging precariously by a thin thread off the bottom of our list. Just what exactly is on your list? Or, do you even have a list? Is there at least one change you’d like to make that would improve your life this next year? The end of a new year always affords us the opportunity to reflect on the past and look forward with anticipation to the future. One of the ways the future will improve is to make a short list of one to three things that will make a difference in some way in your world. By making the list short you will not feel overwhelmed and will be more motivated to accomplish it.

Item one that should be on everyone’s list, young or old, male or female, is to simplify your life and your surroundings. In order to do that one needs to survey your home and surroundings as a stranger or a potential buyer of your home. A stranger will quickly notice cluttered collections of “stuff” on tables and counters or closets bulging at the seams. They will pay close attention to drawers that are so full they barely can be opened or desk tops covered with so many piles you cannot even find space to pay your bills. Simplify your world by getting rid of all of the “stuff” that is no longer relevant, needed or wanted. You need to “get rid of it” for positive new energy to enter your home and your life in the new year.

Item two on your list is a close second option to number one. Once you have simplified your world sit back and enjoy the new fresh energy. Bask in it and do not fill up any new found empty space with more stuff. Let yourself and your home feel lighter and more energetic. Until you make room for it, no new fresh energy can find its way into your home and your personal life.

Third, if you have collections of things you love, display them in groupings, on shelves or in curio cabinets. You will enjoy them more because you can see them as a complete grouping. And, just think of how much work you will save by not having to dust them every week if in a curio. If you don’t love some of your collections anymore, pass them along to someone who will love them. You will receive additional positive energy simply by making someone else happy. They will appreciate you and their new collection.

Simplifying your life is the quickest way to energize yourself and to improve the year ahead. Make your list now, include some of the above suggestions and then “do it”. You will be pleasantly surprised at how good you feel about yourself when you’ve accomplished even one of them. May your new year be healthy, happy and prosperous!


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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