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Feng Shui and your world


Have you ever given thought to why you love one piece of clothing and hate another similar one, or why you like shopping in one area but not another closer to home? It’s really simple, the ones you love have positive energy for you and the ones you dislike give you negative energy. Energy … that’s what Feng Shui is all about. The better the positive energy surrounding you, the more energy you will have, the better you’ll be able to perform your job and care for your family.

Feng Shui (pronounced fung shway) is a 4000 year old art form founded in China based on the movement of positive energy through your home, your office and your body. When properly applied to your surroundings and yourself, the energy dynamics in your life will improve dramatically. So just what does this mean? Exactly what do you do?

The place to begin is to make sure you are getting positive energy into your home. So, let’s start right where the most important energy enters every home or condo, the front door. Make sure your front door is highly visible with no obstructions. Keep landscaping pruned, remove old and dying plantings and toss or move garden décor items if they block the free flow of energy to your door. Good energy colors for your front door are red or green. If neither are appropriate for your home, then place a wreath with red flowers on your door (both doors if you have a pair of front doors). If you are unable to place a wreath of red flowers on the door then place a cluster of three pots of red flowers at varying heights near the front door. If you wish, you can also place a happy, welcoming garden décor piece by the flower cluster or near your door if using a wreath, such as an angel, a happy frog or a smiling turtle. All have good prosperity and protective energy.

Now, let’s go inside. Open your front door and observe what you see at first glance. Are there obstacles in your way? Do you need to walk around things to get into your house? The number one hindrance to abundant energy entering your home is clutter. We as a society tend to be collectors. Collectors of magazines, books, decorative collectibles, clothes, stuff and more stuff. Items like this are often found on the floor, in kitchen cupboards, in bedroom closets, linen closets, under beds, in the garage and in the attic. Where there is clutter, there is no positive energy. Clutter attracts only stagnant negative energy. Now is the time to be merciless and decide what is important to you in your world and what you need to get rid of. A favorite saying of mine is “if you don’t love it, get rid of it”. When you really love something it gives you great energy. If it fits any other category besides “love it” at best it is neutral energy, at worst, it is negative energy. Energy affects you either positively or negatively. To maximize positive energy in your life, surround yourself with only those things you really love. If you are still holding onto an old sofa just because it was handed down from your grandmother to your mother to you and you don’t love it, now is the time to find it a new home where someone else will cherish it. It will give the new owner both pleasure and good energy and remove unwanted energy from your life.

As you un-clutter your house remember to check dresser drawers, shoes, remove things from under your bed, desks, discard or sell old jewelry, donate working kitchen appliances and casserole dishes you will never use again and toss all those empty containers you’ve been saving for a rainy day. When you complete this task not only will your house feel better, so will you. Both you and your house have been carrying around way too much extra baggage, sometimes for a lifetime. Energy can now move more freely throughout your home and your personal life. You will notice the change.

Remember, good energy also enters through windows. Keep them clean and open curtains or blinds during the day to let the sunshine and fresh air in (weather permitting) to flow into your home and slowly meander through it bringing wonderful positive energy into your life.

In my next article we will focus on how Feng Shui and energy design can affect your ability to be more productive at home and in the workplace.

Download “Feng Shui and your world” in PDF Format.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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