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“Everything you think, say, do and feel matters because that’s how you create the future.”
Enrich your life with our library of articles on personal development, prosperity and abundance, well-being and stress reduction, Feng Shui / principles for living, relationships, business leadership and productivity, real estate, decluttering, and more!
Jun 19, 2013
Productivity Low – What's on Your Walls?
Is there is direct relationship between productivity and walls in your office? The answer is a resounding yes. Office walls that are too...
Mar 28, 2013
Take Care of Yourself to Attract Success and Prosperity
What did you do for yourself today that helped you be more energetic, productive and prosperous while reducing your stress and anxiety...
Jan 15, 2013
Stop Living Life in Your Rearview Mirror
If you want to create balance in your life instead of living your current juggling act, then living a rearview mirror lifestyle is not...
Jun 12, 2012
Feng Shui and your world
Have you ever given thought to why you love one piece of clothing and hate another similar one, or why you like shopping in one area but...
Jun 12, 2012
Create Positive Energy when Remodeling
Are you contemplating or in various stages of remodeling, restoring or refurbishing your home? Would you like to remodel but find just...
Jun 11, 2012
Unclutter your world
A number of fearful looks appear on customers’ and students’ faces when I suggest that clutter and stagnant energy might be at the root...
Jun 8, 2012
Is Your Bedroom Designed for Sleep?
Do you work hard all day but have trouble shutting your mind off at night when you should be sleeping? Are you doing instant replay of...
Jun 1, 2012
To Create Good Luck, Use Feng Shui
Ancient Chinese Emperors used Feng Shui’s positive energy principles to influence the good luck and good fortune not only for their...
May 18, 2012
Save Time, Improve Relationships…Create Calm
Just how much time do you lose everyday looking for things? Do you or your spouse if you are married, have stacks of stuff everywhere?...
May 18, 2012
Feng Shui Your Life to help You find Mr./Ms. Right
Whether you have already found Mr./Ms. Right or are looking in earnest, Feng Shui will make a positive difference with existing...
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