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Is Your Bedroom Designed for Sleep?


Do you work hard all day but have trouble shutting your mind off at night when you should be sleeping? Are you doing instant replay of millions of thoughts and things that happened throughout your day? Or, are you worried about something that will happen down the road to yourself, one of your children, a parent or a friend and you just can’t go to sleep?

One of the most frustrating things for people is to be very tired from a long day filled with many activities and facing many issues yet sleep alludes them. If this is you, is it possible that you have crated a bedroom that is not conducive to rest, relaxation and sleep?

During the planning or house buying stage, little thought is given to the location of a bedroom to say nothing about whether it is designed for its primary function, rest and relaxation. Is your bedroom in the front of the house or securely tucked away from traffic and noise on the side or in the back of the house? Is your bedroom next to the kitchen or the family room where family activities will continually interrupt your rest? Does your bedroom have an outside sliding or French door that is not securely locked and causing your subconscious mind great stress at night when you are so vulnerable?

Any or all of the above are a frequent challenge when dealing with clients that have great difficulty getting adequate rest so they can be refreshed and start their day anew. There are a few very good basic Feng Shui principles you can follow that will in many cases dramatically increase your ability to get a good night’s sleep.

First, make sure the room is clutter free. Any clutter serves as a reminder of “things not completed, or holding onto the past”. Clutter serves to block new positive energy from entering your bedroom. By the way, clutter does include stacks of magazines, books and laundry. Remember to look under your bed. Nothing should be stored under the bed. Those items prevent positive regenerating energy from circulating completely around your body at night while sleeping. Also, if there are items with jagged edges poking upward, they are directing negative energy toward your body creating unrest and discomfort.

Second, make sure the bedroom walls are painted a very neutral or pastel color. Those colors are very soothing to the eyes and mind creating a somewhat tranquil room energy whereas bold and brighter colors are very energy active. The color should be light and soft although not white. Peach tones and warm taupe are great bedroom colors although pastel green in any shade as long as it is light and a very soft blue can also be used successfully. Blue can be a very cold color so if you choose to use it, make sure it is not the hard steel blue version. To slightly energize a pastel color use brightly colored pillows and throws that you remove from the bed at night.

Finally, check the linens, table top accessories and wall décor to make sure they are peaceful colors or depicting peaceful nurturing scenes. Bright colored patchwork quilts, action oriented wall art and angular metal objects and lamps are all energizing colors, shapes and materials. For maximum rest the room needs to be filled with peaceful energy. The linens should reflect the softness of the walls in color and value. The pictures on the walls should definitely be quieting and peaceful in nature.

A word of caution about electronic equipment; many people choose to put computers, televisions and other electronic equipment into their bedrooms. All electronic equipment is filled with energy and gathers additional energy all day long. If possible, remove all electronic equipment from your bedroom. If you love to watch television while in bed, place the television into a cabinet with doors and close the doors when you end your night viewing. If you do not have a cabinet or cannot put one into your bedroom, at minimum toss a lovely scarf or throw over the television to provide you some protection from the energized electronic activity.

Your bedroom should now be prepared for total rest and relaxation necessary for a good nights sleep. The bedroom needs to be a sanctuary from all the day’s activities and world events. By providing yourself just such a sanctuary you will find it much easier to fall asleep when you are ready and rest more soundly while sleeping.


© Pat Heydlauff, All Rights Reserved

Pat Heydlauff, president of Energy Design, uses Feng Shui design principles to eliminate chaos and stress at home and within oneself. More than a Feng Shui expert, Pat is a consultant and speaker who helps remove clutter and negativity while encouraging personal growth, improved relationships and prosperity. Her new book, “Feng Shui: So Easy a Child Can Do It,” shows how to achieve a better tomorrow. For information on her consulting, speaking and artwork,  call: 561-408-2708.

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