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“Everything you think, say, do and feel matters because that’s how you create the future.”
Enrich your life with our library of articles on personal development, prosperity and abundance, well-being and stress reduction, Feng Shui / principles for living, relationships, business leadership and productivity, real estate, decluttering, and more!
Jun 4, 2012
Can you stop procrastinating?
Procrastination: the official definition is “to put off habitually the doing of something that should be done”. In the world of Feng Shui...
Jun 4, 2012
Change is a good thing
A new year is often about change. Change for the better is always welcomed news and filled with good positive energy. Change for the...
Jun 4, 2012
Plan for a Successful New Year by Looking Back
With 2008 fast approaching have you started thinking about what’s ahead? Will your new year be better than 2007 or at least as good? Will...
Jun 4, 2012
Dramatic Change Requires Grounding Energy
Do you find yourself going through massive change in your life? The kind of change that creates major energy shifts because a vacuum has...
Jun 4, 2012
Time … the Bridge to Your Tomorrow
Do you have time on your hands and worry about what tomorrow will bring? Do you have so many things to do tomorrow that an army of six...
Jun 4, 2012
Attract Good Fortune
Much has been written recently about the law of attraction or creating your own good luck. The Secret which has been featured everywhere...
Jun 4, 2012
Need to Focus, try Feng Shui’s 3 R’s
Do you ever have days when you really need to focus but just can’t? Are there things you need to get done yet somehow are totally unable...
Jun 4, 2012
Is the Secret Good Feng Shui
With all of the publicity the movie and book “The Secret” are receiving I am often asked, “Is the principle behind The Secret something...
Jun 4, 2012
Unclutter Closets to Energize the New Year
Are the post holiday sales your way to stock up on a new wardrobe? Did you receive clothes and accessories as gifts during the holidays?...
Jun 4, 2012
Take Control of Your Life Take Control of Your Future
Does nothing seem to be going your way? Will you ever get past those incessant nagging doubts that keep lingering in your mind holding...
Jun 4, 2012
Don’t Just Cope with Life…Create It!
Do you face each day with a smile, enthusiasm and a plan? Or, do you plan to just cope with what comes along? Is your objective every...
Jun 4, 2012
Feng Shui Your Time – Be In-Control of Your Life
Is time your friend, a friendly foe, an adversary or a heavy handed task master? Are you constantly racing against the clock to meet...
Jun 4, 2012
Recipe for Positive Thinking
Do you have the “only if” or “it always happens to me” malady? Is negative thinking getting you down? Are you constantly telling yourself...
Jun 4, 2012
Are “Old Ways” not working? Create Change NOW with a New Roadmap!
Are you holding onto “old ways” that simply are not working? Are you still facing unfinished projects, financial issues that won’t go...
Jun 4, 2012
Getting Rid of Negative Self-talk leads to Success
Have you started your new year with great intentions? Have you made a list of resolutions you wish to keep? Have you even gone so far as...
Jun 4, 2012
Use In-between Times to Create Good Fortune and Prosperity
Are you living “in-between times?” Are you living in a gap and not sure whether you should look back or move forward? For example, are...
Jun 4, 2012
Overcomplicating Your Life… Let Go of the Old to Create the New
Do you have a tendency to over-think and over-complicate everything you do? Do you feel like there must be just one more thing you need...
Jun 4, 2012
Negative Thinking Cannot Live Where Positive Thoughts Resides
Are you a worrier, so much so that you actually have created exactly what you’ve been worrying about? Do you start a project and think to...
Jun 4, 2012
Calm the Crisis Frenzy…Take Action
“Recent economic hard times have swept millions of people from the positive to the negative side of the stream. These millions are...
Jun 4, 2012
Un-cluttering Your Time Puts You In-Control
As a middle management sales team specialist, Judy didn’t have a moment to spare. She didn’t have time on her hands to worry about what...
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