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“Everything you think, say, do and feel matters because that’s how you create the future.”
Enrich your life with our library of articles on personal development, prosperity and abundance, well-being and stress reduction, Feng Shui / principles for living, relationships, business leadership and productivity, real estate, decluttering, and more!
Jun 4, 2012
Recipe for Positive Thinking
Do you have the “only if” or “it always happens to me” malady? Is negative thinking getting you down? Are you constantly telling yourself...
Jun 4, 2012
Are “Old Ways” not working? Create Change NOW with a New Roadmap!
Are you holding onto “old ways” that simply are not working? Are you still facing unfinished projects, financial issues that won’t go...
Jun 4, 2012
Getting Rid of Negative Self-talk leads to Success
Have you started your new year with great intentions? Have you made a list of resolutions you wish to keep? Have you even gone so far as...
Jun 4, 2012
Use In-between Times to Create Good Fortune and Prosperity
Are you living “in-between times?” Are you living in a gap and not sure whether you should look back or move forward? For example, are...
Jun 4, 2012
Overcomplicating Your Life… Let Go of the Old to Create the New
Do you have a tendency to over-think and over-complicate everything you do? Do you feel like there must be just one more thing you need...
Jun 4, 2012
Negative Thinking Cannot Live Where Positive Thoughts Resides
Are you a worrier, so much so that you actually have created exactly what you’ve been worrying about? Do you start a project and think to...
Jun 4, 2012
Un-cluttering Your Time Puts You In-Control
As a middle management sales team specialist, Judy didn’t have a moment to spare. She didn’t have time on her hands to worry about what...
Jun 4, 2012
Three Steps for Getting Motivated
When the financial markets are down, housing sales are less than desirable and the norm seems to be chaos, one of the hardest things for...
Jun 1, 2012
Five Reasons to use Feng Shui
When reading books about Feng Shui you often see something like “Feng Shui is a Chinese system for arranging space and the placement of...
Jun 1, 2012
Olympic Opening based on Feng Shui Principles
The spectacular Opening Ceremonies of the Beijing Olympics were laid on a foundation of Feng Shui principles. Everything from the date...
Jun 1, 2012
Feng Shui, the Original Green Lifestyle
Renewable or sustainable energy, climate change and environmental pollution are in the headlines daily. Are you considering a shift to a...
Jun 1, 2012
Energize Your Front Door – Energize Your Life
The first impression someone has of you and your home is from your driveway, the sidewalk or the curb. Is your home welcoming? Does it...
May 30, 2012
Improving Your Life Through Feng Shui
When you hear the words Feng Shui, do you cringe or do your eyes light up? Do you think, “Does anybody really believe that stuff” or...
May 29, 2012
Energize Your Space in One Hour
Are you short on time and long on things to do? Do you run out of energy long before you run out of things on your “to do” list? Then it...
May 25, 2012
Will your resolutions make a difference for 2005
Have you made your resolutions for 2005? Will they improve your energy in the new year? Are they important enough that you will stick to...
May 25, 2012
Can you create “good luck”?
Most people assume you are either born lucky or you must go through life doomed and have to fight for everything you need and want. Some...
May 25, 2012
5 Steps to Help Things go “Your Way”
What should you do when nothing seems to be going your way? How can you get past those endless times of nagging doubt that just keep...
May 25, 2012
Reenergizing Yourself Restores Productivity and Prosperity
Imagine your world where things go right 90% of the time. Imagine ending each day with time left over just for you. Imagine a better...
May 25, 2012
Create Personal Stability and Security
Is maintaining a positive attitude at the top of your “will do” list today? Are you finding it more and more difficult to go to work,...
May 24, 2012
Eliminating Energy Drainers Attracts Prosperity
Whether you are a realtor seeking illusive financing for a new client, a fulltime mother trying to make ends meet with less money and...
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